My Favorite Things in 2010

A couple of weeks ago I encouraged you to write down all of your accomplishments for 2010.
In doing this exercise for myself, I developed a list that I thought might be of interest.
These didn’t necessarily come out in 2010, but I consumed them during this past year.

Kristina Bell DiTullo, Act of Immobilization #2.
©2009 Kristina Bell DiTullo, Act of Immobilization #2. Eraser, colorball pins, 3 x 4.5 x 3.5 inches.


Business Book: TIE Trust Agents by Chris Brogan and Julien Smith and Why She Buys by Bridget Brennan
Art-Related Novel: The Swan Thieves by Elizabeth Kostova
Art Business Book: The Artist’s Guide to Grant Writing by Gigi Rosenberg (I’ll write more about this book in the future)
Art-Related Nonfiction: Provenance: How a Con Man and a Forger Rewrote the History of Art by Laney Salisbury and Aly Sujo


Exit Through the Gift Shop
The Cats of Mirikatani
Herb & Dorothy
Valentino: The Last Emperor


Thomas Woodruff: Freak Parade at the Haggerty Museum of Art, Marquette University, Milwaukee, WI (my overall favorite)
William Kentridge: The World Is Process at the Colorado Springs Fine Arts Center, Colorado Springs, CO (a close second)
Inner Landscapes – Jonathan Harris at the Burlington City Arts’ Firehouse Center for the Visual Arts, Burlington, VT
Petah Coyne: Everything that Rises Must Converge at MASS MoCA, North Adams, MA


NPR’s Planet Money
Do you have your list ready? Share it!

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11 thoughts on “My Favorite Things in 2010”

  1. Three of my top favorite things from 2010 are:
    1. Learning Sudoku with the help of – became motivated after a casual, clueless first attempt
    2. Learning a new medium, alcohol inks
    brought much more creative play into my art process
    3. Reading Walking On Water, Reflections on Faith & Art by Madeleine L’Engle – offered insights not previously considered
    Best To All In The New Year!

  2. Thank you so much for mentioning “Herb & Dorothy” – what an extraordinary couple! I found the film very inspiring on so many levels. I’m recommending it to every artist – or art lover – that I know.

  3. Pingback: Happy New Year & My Favorite Things from 2010 «

  4. THANK YOU Alyson for The Cats of Mirikitani
    It’s streaming on Netflix and I LOVED it! Very inspiring if you don’t feel in the mood to pick up yr pencil…
    I loved watching In Treatment this year seasons 1 & 2, The Kings Speech
    and The Kings of Pastry.
    I’m working on The Swan Theives thanks to you.
    I did enjoy reading Water For Elephants very much.
    Loved seeing the Diagilev exhibit at the V&A
    The Balenciaga exhibit:
    The Monet at the Marmottan
    And somehow or other I managed to have 4 exhibits myself and finally got comfortable attending them by the end thanks very much to your sage advice 🙂
    Big Merci

  5. Thank you for recommending The Cats of Mirikitani Alyson… and to Carolg for mentioning that it was streaming on Netflix. My sons just got Netflix for Christmas so I logged on my computer and streamed it. It truly is wonderful, heart warming, inspiring… LInda truly is an angel, the kindness, respect and generosity she showed another human being reminds us of our own humanity. Brillian work Jimmy!

  6. I was so excited to see Thomas Woodruff’s exhibit on your list. His work is incredible. I was so lucky to have him as an instructor – he is insightful, and brilliant – no one will push you so hard or so far.
    My favorite thing of 2010 was a show of Emily Eveleth’s enormous jelly doughnut paintings Who could resist?

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