Generate buzz about your art at your peril

Just this week I spoke at the smARTist Telesummit about generating buzz on a shoestring budget. This story kind of belongs in that category. It also shows that you have to be prepared for whatever might come your way.

This New York Times article tells the story of photographer Ramak Fazel, who planned to visit the 50 U.S. capitol buildings, photograph at and around them, and send a postcard to the next capital city on his itinerary. His idea was prompted by a collection of stamps he had since he was a child, which were just taking up space in his mother’s home. His trip was further an exploration of his identity as an American (he’s lived in Italy since 1994).

It’s fascinating to read about the suspicions he caused and the interrogations he endured–perhaps because of his Iranian roots.

Be sure to watch the video he produced.

Surely there’s a book in the future. I’m dying to see the postcards. See 49 State Capitols: NY exhibit at the Storefront for Art and Architecture. Read the Times article to find out why there are 49 instead of 50 state capitols in his project.

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1 thought on “Generate buzz about your art at your peril”

  1. This was a great story – I loved his concept and was fascinated that his exploration took him on adventures that he never anticipated. While there were disturbing responses, hopefully there will be some really good things coming out of this – shifts in some minds and communities – that might have been stuck before. becky nielsen

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