New Twitter book club for artists starts September 14

Biography of Gertrude Stein by Janet HobhouseBeginning September 14, we (anyone!) will be reading Everybody Who Was Anybody: A Biography of Gertrude Stein by Janet Hobhouse. We use Twitter to communicate with each other about the book.

I selected this book because (1) it’s been sitting on my shelf for almost 20 years; (2) it’s cheap!; (3) I wanted to read about a female artist; and (r) Stein was intimately involved with the greatest artists and writers of the early 20th century. Stein is a critical figure in Modernism that we should all know more about.

Join us! It’s FREE!

All you have to do is

1. Pick up a copy of the book (here’s my Amazon link) and join in the conversation. There are $.35 copies on Amazon or you can find one at your library.

2. Leave your Twitter handle in a comment on this page to let us know you’re joining in.

3. Start reading! We’re aiming for 50 pages a week. The book is 218 pages long, but dense. Some of us will read faster and some slower.

4. Use the #gertrude hashtag in your tweet when you’re talking about something you read in the book.

5. To follow along and see what others are saying, go to and enter the #gertrude hashtag. Here’s the direct link with the hashtag already entered.

There are no other rules, so don’t even ask. We make it up as we go along. C’mon! It’ll be fun!

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25 thoughts on “New Twitter book club for artists starts September 14”

  1. Found you on twitter- I’m artmom. Great to meet you! Looks like a wonderful blog with a wealth of information! Looking forward to perusing the posts!

  2. Awesome! I love how people are using Twitter in so many, many different ways. I’m actually hosting a conference call on the use of Twitter by artists on September 10th. It’s an amazing tool that we can all benefit from!

  3. What a cool idea! Hopefully I can keep up – I’ll be reading Jung for my class this semester. But it just sounds too cool to pass up.

    twitter – kniceartworks

  4. can’t wait – this isn’t a book I would have picked up on my own, which is one of the great reasons for reading with a group @vmartinart

  5. Ordered the book and looking forward to reading. A fascinating individual with equally fascinating friends.

    twitter @mariegsart

  6. Ok, I’m going to be late this time…I just ordered a collectible copy on Amazon but it’ll take a bit for delivery to Canada…I was on the fence, but today I Googled some Gertrude Stein prose & quotes & remembered again why she is great…(amazon amateur book reviewers should separate art from life a bit more…)
    @GroveCanada on twitter…

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