Give Away Your Exhibit Catalog

Janice Mason Steeves, a client of mine, is opening a solo exhibit of new work in Ontario tomorrow at Abbozzo Gallery.

She and the gallery produced a lovely, small catalog, which chronicles Jan’s recent journey to Turkey for the 800th anniversary of the birth of the Sufi mystic, Rumi.

Picture 1 The catalog is available for sale through the gallery (about $7.80US), but Jan did something brilliant. She is offering it as a free download (PDF) on her Web site.

I suggested she have her webmaster put it in the menu column so that it appears on every page on the site. When you click on it, you’re taken to a page that describes the contents and gives you a link for downloading it. Check it out for yourself.

Jan could have gone one step further and put a mailing list sign-up form on that download page. Might as well ask while you’re giving away something free! But she is mostly interested in sharing this new work.

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5 thoughts on “Give Away Your Exhibit Catalog”

  1. Hi Alyson I have been trying mightily to add a free print pdf link to my sign up page as you have often suggested. Haven’t quite figured it out yet. Where does the pdf live? The main problem is printing a pdf does not look as good as printing a jpg. Maybe I should cry uncle and just offer it as a screen saver. nancy

  2. What beautifully rich paintings these are – and I love the idea behind them. Terrific way to show them to a wider audience, too – so well done.

  3. Alyson B. Stanfield

    Nancy: The PDF must be uploaded to your server. So you’d have a link that kind of looked like this: The point isn’t that it has to look great, but that it downloads fast and easily. JPGs are much larger and harder to find your way around after they’re downloaded. OR, are you talking about just an image of your art? Any text with it?

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