The year is half over. Are you halfway through accomplishing your intentions for 2012?
Don’t sweat it if you’re not. There’s still time!

Start Over
Just start over. Right here, right now. Let July be a fresh start for you.
Let’s talk income goals since this is a business blog.
How much do you need/want to make in the remainder of 2012?
What are the specific things you need to do in order to achieve that? Do you need to . . .
- Make more art? Exactly how much more art? Then you’d better make sure you put in your studio time. What’s standing in the way of quality studio time and how can you eliminate the barrier?
- Diversify your offerings? Would smaller work sell better? What do you need to do/change in order to diversify?
- Add another venue or two? Get out there and secure your spots.
- Resurrect that newsletter you let lapse? What are the steps for publishing a newsletter and what timelines can you attach to them.
- Just get better about staying in touch with your contacts? What’s keeping you from sharing your art with people? Is your database in order? Do you have an email platform in place? Do you need to set reminders?
What do you need to do in order to finish the year on a high note?
3 thoughts on “Restart Your Intentions for 2012”
I’m an art writer so my goal is to get artists excited about my features on them. I actually put a lot of effort researching artists’ backgrounds, inspirations, etc. but you’ll be surprised how few artists care about a fuller coverage, even ones with little media exposure. Having worked with artists before in a gallery, there’s definitely a stigma marketing their art is detracting from their loftier and purer purpose to make more art.
I truly feel affirmed in my sense of taking care of business that I received your letter in my inbox the morning after I just posted my July assessment of my 2012 goals.
Just started figurative painting classes at an art gallery near by, gives me a reason to wake up on Wednesdays. Absolutely luv them.
As for boosting your sales, hope everyone enjoys a little article I put together on where to buy art: As can imagine, the best place to sell art is whether everyone buys it!