Share Your Profile Instantly with Other Blog Commenters

The Art Biz Blog has a new feature that I hope you’ll take advantage of and, perhaps, install on your own blog.

First, a Review

If you’ve left a comment on this blog, you’ve noticed that some people have their pictures next to their comments and others don’t.
If you are one of those who remain faceless, it’s not because we want it that way. It’s not a secret society of blog commenters. Everyone (yes, even you) can add a picture to their comments.
All you have to do is sign up for a free account at Gravatar and upload your photo. Whenever you leave a comment on WordPress blogs that use avatars, your picture will show up along with your comment. The only caveat is that you must use the same email address with your comment that you use with Gravatar.
Go on, sign up.

Now, the Fun New Stuff

At least I think it’s fun.
I installed a plugin called Gravatar Hovercards. Whenever you put your cursor over an image next to a comment, the picture cocks to the left and his or her Gravatar profile appears.

You can read more about people who comment and find out how to connect with them further without leaving the page.
The reverse is also true. People can learn about you instantly – as long as you follow the directions below.

Complete Your Gravatar Profile

If you, like I, never completed your Gravatar profile, you’d better go do that. You don’t want your Hovercard to be empty!
Sign in to your Gravatar account and go to My Account/Edit My Profile. Fill out the short “About Me” blurb and add your links. While you’re there, tweak your Display Name so that your full, professional name shows up next to your comments.
All of this takes about 5 minutes.

Add This Feature to Your Blog

Hovercards come with the new Jetpack plugin, which WordPress has made available to self-hosted sites (previously only for users). To install this plugin, just go to plugins/add new plugin and do a search for Jetpack. Install and activate.
I hope you enjoy this feature on the Art Biz Blog. My favorite part of what I do is connecting you with other artists and I think this is just one more way to do that.

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25 thoughts on “Share Your Profile Instantly with Other Blog Commenters”

  1. Once again you are there with some really great and easy promotional tools. I already had a gravatar, but what a great idea to have this little mini billboard so to speak!
    Thanks Alyson!

    1. Alyson Stanfield

      Marianne: I’m afraid not. Google has their own little world and doesn’t use Gravatars, which is a shame because it leaves the rest of the bloggers out cold.

    2. To Marianne,
      I wish Blogger had this, too.
      The best Blogger will do is pull your Blogger photo & links to the comment. Have you seen that? When you click on the photo or the name, the Blogger profile shows.

    3. Lisa Marie Tsering

      I see that you are from FL… can you send some sun to us MN folk! It snowed here this morning!

  2. I think this is a great plugin – had added it to my blog a while back, but could never get it to work. When I was going through the Blog Triage Self Study class a while back I deactivated it and had forgotten about it until your email came this morning. Have reactivated and hope whatever kinks I was having in the past are gone. Thanks for always staying on top of things and sharing your knowledge.

  3. Wow that’s a pretty cool feature. I’ll definitely have to look into that. This is why I love coming to your blog. You always have great info and resources on here to pick and chose from.

  4. Turns out that if you’ve set up a account at any time in the past, you can’t use that username on gravitar until you’ve jumped through some hoops. But, you CAN change your ‘primary’ email in Gravitar, and add new email adresses

  5. Thanks for another great suggestion to make my contact information more “visible”, Alyson!
    You’re the best!
    Cheers from Canada,

  6. Pingback: tortagialla the blog

  7. Elissa Campbell

    I loovvveee this! I just updated my profile – easy peasy!
    It looks like Jetpack has other interesting features in addition to Gravatar. I love statistics graphs. 🙂

  8. Hi Alyson,
    this is fabulous, will get this plugin for my blog, too. Have you heard of CommentLuv? I love it and use it; it automatically adds a link to the commenter’s last blog post at the end of their comment. Nice reward for the commenters and overall great tool for other readers to check out their blogs.
    Thanks for the plugin suggestion,
    Franziska San Pedro
    The Abstract Impressionist Artress

  9. It was really fun (and quick) to update my hovercard. I set up my gravatar specifically for participating in the Artist Conspiracy. So thank you on both counts!

  10. Pingback: 9 Things You May Not Know About The Art Biz Blog — Art Biz Blog

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