Syllabus for teaching with my book, I’d Rather Be in the Studio!

Attention all college professors! Need help preparing your students for life after school?
Painting professor Sandra Reed has designed a course for graduate students at the Savannah College of Art and Design using my book as the required text. The course is “Fine Art M.F.A. Self-Promotion.”
With her permission, I am thrilled to share the IRBITS syllabus with you.

Sandra Reed
Sandra Reed, Bridge and Tree. Oil on canvas, 27 x 41 inches (framed). ©The Artist

Professor Reed notes:

The Course Description, Goals, and Student Learning Outcomes are developed by the entire department (these areas are the same for all sections of this course, no matter who teaches it). The Grading Standards, all seven items following College Policy, and the graphic design are identical in all syllabi at SCAD. Everything else in the syllabus is my work. Like most professors, I put a lot of heart and soul into course structure, and hope that the syllabus conveys both the spirit and the letter of the course intent.

I’d love to hear from you if you teach and have used my book in your classroom. And, if you’re a professor who would like input on your syllabus, feel free to contact me.

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5 thoughts on “Syllabus for teaching with my book, I’d Rather Be in the Studio!”

  1. Huge congratulations Alyson! Your book is an excellent resource for artists. I’m thrilled for you that those in the business of educating art students see it’s value.
    Three cheers!

  2. Alyson,
    This is wonderful news! The college students who have the opportunity to take classes based on your book will be able to graduate with open eyes! Much better than being told that real artists cut off an ear or move to Tahiti but never learn the business of art. My wish is that your book will be a blessing to many more colleges, Lillian

  3. Alyson, This is splendid news. Contemporary students do not know how fortunate they are to have the guidance of this forward thinking art professor coupled with I’d Rather be in the Studio. Years ago when I was in college there was NOTHING on the curriculum about marketing for artists. The attitude was to learn your craft and do the best you could to sell it. If you were lucky you could figure out something along the way. It wasn’t until years later that I found first, Donna Hand-Lee, a wonderful consultant (now deceased) and then, you, to help guide me through the intricacies of selling what I do. I will always be deeply grateful for both your expertise and professional counsel, valuable beyond estimation. Margret Short

  4. I’m strongly in favor of art students learning about how to manage a future career as an artist.
    There is a bias in some minds against this- including in the minds of most art students. I’ve taught at MICA for well over 3 decades. In all that time exactly two undergraduate students have asked me a question about how to make a living as an artist after graduation. That’s pretty amazing.

  5. Kimberly Lennox

    This is so cool! It’s exactly what young artists really need to be learning to survive after school. It’s so nice to hear that these students aren’t being fed the fairy tale of being discovered for their amazing talent. Bravo, Alyson! I hope this spreads like crazy and becomes required reading everywhere.

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