Mary Emma Allen Wants to Know . . .

Another day, another stop on the I’d Rather Be in the Studio! blog tour.

Today, Mary Emma Allen, of Home Biz Notes, wants to know what is the  most important action an author/artist can take to promote his/her book or business.

Mary Emma’s post is no longer available so see below for what I had to say to her.

Alyson: Thanks for inviting me to your blog, Mary Emma. I’m honored to have you on the blog tour.

Mary Emma: Since there are numerous books out there with advice about promotion and marketing, I was wondering what your book has to offer in regard to self-promotion that’s different from others on this topic?

Alyson: Mary Emma, I’m not sure I’m the best person to answer this. I won’t profess to know all of the other books about self-promotion. I can, however, tell you how my book and my approach differs from others who have written about art marketing.

Alyson: My work is all about building relationships with people. I believe that this is the most sincere form of marketing and is easiest for most artists. My experience as a museum curator and educator plays a prominent role in the book.

For ten years it was my job to help the general public connect with the art on the museum walls. So I learned how to talk about art in a way that is different from what one learns in art school. In a nutshell, communication is more prominent in my book than in other art marketing books. A number of non-artists have found great value in the book because they recognize what I’m advocating is common business sense.

Mary Emma:  I’m sure artists and others involved in promotion will find those aspects of your book helpful. Now to another question,  if you had to give one tip . . . what is the most important action an author/artist can take to promote his/her book or business?

Alyson: Before I answer that, I need to be clear that there isn’t just one thing you can do to promote your business. I know you know this and it isn’t what you asked. But I think it’s important to say that while I can give you just one tip, you still have to do a lot more in order to find your success.

Like your work, self-promotion is a commitment. It takes persistence, consistency, and the desire to seek knowledge and better ways of working.

With that out of the way, I suppose the one piece of advice I would give to an artist or author trying to promote themselves is to come from the heart. Be sure you’re passionate about your art, your writing, and what you have to share with the world. It’s that passion–that excitement about what you do and where you’re headed–that will ignite interest in others. People will sense apprehension and doubt. We’re looking for red-hot fire.

You have to be in it to win. Your efforts can’t be half-baked. There’s too much competition out there. The enthusiasm you have for your work will distinguish you from others and, at the same time, light the path for you.

Mary Emma:  Thank you, Alyson, for visiting Home Biz Notes today and sharing some self-promotion tips with our readers.

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1 thought on “Mary Emma Allen Wants to Know . . .”

  1. Mary Emma Allen

    Thank you, Alyson, for visiting Home Biz Notes and sharing your book and tips with my readers. May you have a tremendously successful blog tour

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