May Day! May Day!

It’s May 1, which means it’s time to assess your risk for studio and business disaster.

Craig Nutt
Craig Nutt, Director of Programs for CERF+

In this audio interview, Craig Nutt, artist and Director of Programs for CERF+, talks with me about what you can do right now to lessen your losses should your computer crash, studio catch on fire, or natural disaster strike.
Don’t ignore this!
You might just wish you had listened and acted later. But then it will be too late.
Craig and I challenge you to take 1 action today.

ListenStudio Protector

Download or listen to the audio.

Mentioned in the Audio

Studio Protector
Business Insurance Guidebook for Artists

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6 thoughts on “May Day! May Day!”

  1. victoria pendragon

    …and the day to assess your space for disaster potential is the same day as Beltane? One has to wonder about the synchronicity of that…

    1. Alyson Stanfield

      Never heard of Beltrane, Victoria. I think it’s more of “May Day” being a call of distress at sea and the celebration of May 1 as May Day

    2. Here in Hawaii, we know it as “Lei Day” with lots of amazing leis produced to celebrate! But I got the pun you intended and loved it! May Day indeed!
      Thanks for providing this vital information about CERF+, Alyson and Craig.

  2. Mozy has a great reputation! I had a HORRID experience with Carbonite – talk about May Day May Day! Yikes.
    There are lots of FREE back-up sources for small amounts of data, some as much a 7 G’s for free. At least you can quickly – today! – get things like your clients list into something like dropbox (I actually am considering or other services while you pick out the best long-term solution.
    I just happen to have been researching this subject last week, so here is a link for a very recent review by PC mag. Recent is key! There are some old reviews of OLD versions of some of these products and that will not be helpful.,2817,2288745,00.asp
    JUST do something today. I live in hurricane country and we get lots of warning so for that type of event so my external back-up is a good start, but the cloud is the real back-up.

    1. Alyson Stanfield

      Thank you for this resource, Mckenna. I’d never before heard of bad experiences with Carbonite.
      You’re right: Look at the date on reviews. Critical.

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