More advice for your artist press release

In a comment under News release format for all of your accomplishments, Shelley Lieber offered this generous advice.

As a publishing consultant and former magazine editor, I have some
suggestions that will work for artists trying to promote themselves and
their work.

Releases about exhibits, classes, talks, etc. are good for event
calendars and columns. To get more mileage out of your writing, make a
story out of your press release by tying the topic of your press
release to an event, holiday or trend. Editors of newspapers, magazines
and newsletters are always looking for story ideas. For example, if
you’ve donated your time or artwork to a charity or nonprofit, take
advantage of the upcoming holidays and write a release about how this
season is the time to give thanks and give back, and describe your
contribution. You can attach a small (low-res) jpeg of your donated
artwork and mention at the end of the release that high resolution
images are available for publication use (print sources will need
300dpi) and include your phone number and email.

Another promotion suggestion is to include your press release or
copies of any articles it generated with the presentation package you
send out to prospective clients.

The most useful tip to remember when writing your release is to keep
your focus on the story, not on yourself. Journalists are not press
agents; they are serving an audience. If you can help them do their job
by providing useful or interesting information, you’ll get your name in
print for sure.

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1 thought on “More advice for your artist press release”

  1. This is very good advice. I am both an artist and a writer and often write about art related events for local publications. Artists often want free publicity about themselves and their work forgetting there really needs to be a story. Alyson invited us a while back to write our stories and now is the time to ask yourself whether or not your story is newsworthy. If not, what could make it so? When I am looking for an artist related story I usually look to see how an artist is relating and connecting to the larger community. Are they mentoring younger artists? Are they giving free lessons at a nursing home? Did they build their studio from recycled aluminum cans? Is there a way to combine efforts with other artists for a holiday walk, studio tour, etc. with raffle of a painting or sculpture, the proceeds of which are donated to a local charity? These are just a few ideas of stories about artists that make their way into our local publications. It is true editors and writers are always looking for stories….and story is the operative word here. Be imaginative.

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