New To My Bookshelf and Bedstand

On a post awhile back, I listed some of my favorite nonfiction books about art and solicited others. Good to know you all are reading. Because of your suggestions, my bookshelf overfloweth. And I am afraid I’m now reading three books at once. What’s that they say about focus?

Here’s what’s on my shelf:

Barbara Ann Kipfer, Consider This: Questions That Make You Think. Who recommended this to me? It was about a month ago.

Noah J. Goldstein, Steve J. Martin, and Robert B. Cialdini, Yes! 50 Scientifically Proven Ways to Be Persuasive. Heard interview on NPR’s Talk of the Nation.

Malcolm Goldstein, Landscape with Figures: A History of Art Dealing in the United States. Recommended by Edward Winkleman.

Musa Mayer, Night Studio: A Memoir of Philip Guston. Recommended by Christine DeCamp.

Jeannette Walls, The Glass Castle. Recommended by Sari Grove.

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8 thoughts on “New To My Bookshelf and Bedstand”

  1. I am in the middle of The girl with the gallery, recommended by Alyson Stanfield … The business strategies Edith Halpert used are soo smart … like , writing letters directly to individual collectors saying ‘ you should buy this painting & here is a special price ‘ , & , writing juicy enough press releases that they made it into print , & championing artists exactly when society was discriminating against them (hiring a black assistant when colour was a problem in New York, a solo show for a Japanese-American artist during the time of house arrests & internment camps)… I also subscribed to the digital version of Art Calendar magazine ( because of ArtBizBlog ) & must say that it is a joy to read in this manner, the photos look fabulous onscreen & it paid for itself in the first skim read …p.s. The Glass Castle should be read by anyone feeling sorry for themselves, puts your whole starving artist perspective into, well, perspective…

  2. I just finished Stone’s “The Agony and the Ecstasy,” read in conjunction with a HUGE compendium of Michelangelo’s work by William E. Wallace. I was interested to notice that Stone gives an extensive bibliography and listing of M’s work, while Wallace provides none of that, yet Wallace claims to debunk Stone (albeit not by name, rather by snideness: “Despite some romantic biographers…”) at most every turn. Wallace behaves similarly toward M’s own letters and authorized biographers, all without sourcing. The photography of M’s art is spectacular, though. Now underway: “Art and Visual Perception” by Rudolf Arnhiem. I’m about 40 pages in and expect to have a better understanding of how vision works and the mind interprets.

  3. I just finished both of Bob Cialdini’s books and they are superb. I’ve applied four of the techniques that I learned from those books to my part-time work at a gallery that represents my own work, noted the specifics of my encounters and have realized an extreme jump in the number and quality of sales that I’m making. It is amazing how simple changes in the way you present yourself and minor wording changes affect such big changes. I’ve logged about a 400% increase in my sales alone and the gallery owner is flabberghasted at what is happening. Of course I’m tailoring some of the suggestions to fit better with my own personality, but they work wonderfully well. I make notes about which techniques I’m trying and will continue to modify and use those which fit into my moral and ethical approach to sales and relationship efforts. I highly recommend these books to any artist that wants to increase the volume and frequency of sales and who among us doesn’t want that?

  4. I listened to the NPR interview & am looking forward to reading the Bob Cialdini book–after Jerry’s comment, I think I’d better order it right away! Alyson–would love to know what you think of the Guston book when you’re done….after giving my recommendations, I got it out & read it again–I find him to be a real “hero” in following his own path & doing what he felt was right for him,even when it went against all his previous successes. His later work is not easy, but SO powerful! He is one of my “most respected” artists of all times. (And if you have seen his work & wondered “what the heck he was doing”–this book gives you a full background.)

  5. I have a small question. If anyone knows, Please email me. I am curious about the ebook titled Promoting & Selling Your Art by Carole Katchen. Is the information useful or hype? Thank you.

  6. about Carole Katchen …her flower paintings take my breath away … haven’t read the ebook , but usually, if you like the artist’s work, you will learn something…besides , even hype is useful, & $29.99 won’t really hurt much …(tell us how it is if you do read it)…

  7. Am reading Yes! 50 Scientifically Proven Ways to Be Persuasive, and found it to be incredibly useful for artists and authors. I’m an artist who wrote and self-published my latest book, and I’m quite uncomfortable with the sales process. His suggestions have helped me target my press releases and how I word my sales pitches when I call on print magazines. Very helpful.

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