New Year / New Look

Picture_1_3I am absolutely thrilled to announce the brand-spanking new website. I hope you’ll find it–above all–more attractive. But I also think you’ll find it less cluttered and easier to use. I know there will be those of you who miss something from the old site. Bear with me. Let me know your thoughts and I’ll do what I can to accommodate.

While newsletter archives are gone, they will be available on the new membership site beginning in February.

I also encourage you to check out my new Art Biz Reports for when you need answers fast and without the fluff. I have topics on approaching galleries, how to follow-up and say thank you, and creating your marketing materials.

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10 thoughts on “New Year / New Look”

  1. Your new website looks great. Only one itty bitty comment….You didn’t post the link! (or it didn’t come out linked in the post!) I got the link to the Art Biz Reports but had to type in the website address. 😉 Good work! But then, what else would we expect?

  2. Lovely and very professional! One little thing I miss – Maybe you could post it once to the blog? I always referred to the list as a jumpstart for my day, but I never thought to print it out. “Have you done these lately…?” or something related to that idea. Thanks for all your encouraging work.

  3. Could you have a section somewhere for recommended reading? Last year I read about two excellent books that were discussed in your newsletter. I read them and found them to be some of the best art reads I’d had for a while.

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