Other Art < Deep Thought Thursday

What other art form (non-visual) inspires you?


Pat Mitchell mosaic
Pat Mitchell, Ice Tango. Mosaic. ©The Artist


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15 thoughts on “Other Art < Deep Thought Thursday”

  1. Our local art guild has a member show called “Inspired by Words.” A poet in the guild provides several original poems and the visual artists interpret whichever poem strikes their fancy. The opening reception features the artwork and the poet reading her poetry for the assembled patrons.
    It’s challenging as a visual artist to step out of a comfort zone and interpret someone else’s words, but it always ends up being a very dynamic show.

  2. Debora L. Stewart

    I am very inspired by contemporary glasswork. I love the work of Chihuly and those who have studied with him. I saw some wonderful glasswork at Blue Rain Gallery in Santa Fe and several of the artists had studied with Chihuly. I would go to an exhibit of contemporary glass over other exhibits. I find it exciting and beautiful.

    1. Debora Stewart

      Just saw the “non-visual” reference in your question. Sorry. It would have to be music. I also listen to music when I am creating.

  3. Music! It can take me to places where I can actually see colors and forms!! The other I was playing Vivaldi’s four season and I swear I could actually feel the colors in my blood……. I always have music on when I am painting. It inspires me! But the sad thing is I have absolutely no musical skill in terms of being able to play an instrument….:(

  4. music. i love live music and am always amazed how the music moves right through me and transports, creating an emotional connection when an artist is really on. i would love to create the same sort of feeling with my art, though there is such a difference between a live musical performance, which is fleeting and very much of the moment and visual art, which can create an initial visceral reaction but be revisited again for deeper meaning. in that way it is closer to listening to recorded music. i always have music on in the studio and it affects my mood, color choice, snippets of verse used in mixed media and even titles. i use a lot of sheet music in my mixed media which is also a direct reflection of my love of music.

  5. I love to listen to music while I paint – especially if I am stuck or need a creative jump start. I find that sometimes paintings take on the feel of the music. I also find inspiration when I listen to music and find that I want to make a painting because of a song. There is power in music that can completely change a mood and can completely change a painting…

  6. Poetry! I love words and how they can create images that are more true than they are real…just like what I do in creating my sculpture.
    I’ve been fortunate in that my good friend is a writer and poet, we’ve collaborated on projects over the years. Always a good challenge and result.

  7. For me, it would have to be literature- fiction.
    I have certainly been inspired by beautiful or unique music, but when I am painting, I have always preferred to listen to books on tape or fiction podcasts. When I am taken to another world by a writer, I seem to be able to suspend my own reality and just be in the painting.
    (love the New Yorker fiction podcasts I can put on my iPod)

  8. MUSIC….especially sweet romantic ones…puts a smile on my face and it shows….
    also Indian classical dance…the attire, and the jewellery that goes with it, is soo colorful and intricate….it just takes me to another world…

  9. Margaret Almon

    Jazz inspires, especially live jazz, where I can watch the musicians having a good time, playing off of each other, inventing new things.

  10. Dance! Dancers are one of my favorite subjects to paint, I just can’t get enough of capturing their body language on canvas. The carefree attitude when a dancer is in full flow is a treat to the eye. Such grace!

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