Podcast: Tie up loose ends

Take the next 10 days to clean up, clean out, and prepare for the New Year.

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Share your biggest accomplishment for 2008 in the comments.

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10 thoughts on “Podcast: Tie up loose ends”

  1. MainMenu is a free download program for Macintosh users which cleans out all those cookies & other stuff your computer gets filled up with without you knowing…(after cleaning your caches, everything works much faster!)… here is a link , http://www.santasw.com/

  2. My biggest accomplishment was to reduce my hours at my “day job” to devote at least one full day each week to painting. That enabled me to create more work and to really hone my skills. I feel confident going into the new year with a solid body of work behind me and many new ideas to explore. Happy Holidays !!

  3. i am planning to take the whole month of january to get my house, life, body and career back on track! and the week between holidays will be my biggest purge the crap week! (and i have a lot of it, having moved studios and cleaned out our parent’s houses in the last two years) woohoo!

  4. As far as accomplishments this year most of them have been within the last few months. I’ve kind of been away from art for little while but I’m trying to get back into it. I finally got a Web site and blog up. Still trying to get a handle on the blog idea. I also have a ways to go with adding artwork to the Web site. I recently purchased the book I’d Rather Be in the Studio and found a lot of great ideas in it. Things I’ve never thought of like social networking. I recent joined Face book and Twitter. Never thought I would do that in a million years. My artist statement desperately needs help. I’m currently following the guidelines in the book which have been very helpful. I honestly find it difficult to write about myself. As far as my artwork I’ve decided to revisit the basics and go back to drawing everyday. This is really helping me get my painting back on track. That’s about it for 2008. From reading I’d Rather Be in the Studio I still have ways to go. But I’m getting there.

  5. Uhh…can I have 2008 as a “do over”? OK, OK – no belly aching. I will say that my studio is actually clean, had visitors (which is rare for me), and my filing is done, except for the very obscure…but those boxes are off the floor! And, I (in spite of physical limits) do count about eight paintings that I really treasure from this past year. All right, I guess I don’t need a do over.

  6. Artist Diane Walton Reitz, BFA

    My biggest accomplishments as an artist for the year of 2008 are: 1. continuing to be an artist 2. studying with Warren Chang from California, and realizing after 30+years of painting and drawing and studying that I have already either been taught what I need to know or I have figured it out on my own with much pray and guidance from God 3. I have been volunteering for the Edgewood community in which I live, teaching free drawing and painting lessons and have been told that with this have been able to help people who have a feeling of worthlessness to see a creative side to their existence, and much pleasure to myself by sharing a few of the treasure I possess with others! Merry Christmas, and Thanks to Alyson for her e-mails!!

  7. In 2008 I was able to launch my new line of glass, painted chandeliers, which I build from the ground up. It was quite a lot of work! And I’ve already sold several through art festivals and my client list. In 2009, I’ll be actively looking for galleries to represent the chandeliers. If any of you know of a place that would be a good fit, please let me know. Referrals are the best way for us artists to know which galleries are good to work with. Happy Holidays!

  8. Every year I love to do that… But this year I’ve listed all of them on my blog since I finally created one…! I suppose having my first solo exhibition is the one that makes me the most proud, and the recent purchase of my artwork by the Department of Arts Sports and Tourism of Ireland… Well done everyone, let’s tap ourselves on the back!

  9. HI Alyson Thanks for another great year! I am off tho start my annual accomplishments list. I always think what in the world will I write down, then it ends up a long list. If we don’t stop to focus on this important project then we don’t know where we have been and where we are going. I am real excited about this new year, although I really need to back off the computer? Anyone else feel that way? Is it really necessary to be “hooked” online so much? I meet the most amazing people–it’s so hard to back off! Thanks again for all you do! Laura K. Aiken http://www.amosaicstudio.com http://www.amosaicstudio.wordpress.com

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