Prepare for the holidays

46 days until Thanksgiving
62 days until the start of Hanukkah
75 days until Christmas

The holidays will be here before we know it!

Let me be clear that I’m not advocating you participate in the holiday season at any particular level, but it’s time to make some decisions if you’re waffling.

For example, you should probably decide whether or not you are sending holiday cards in the next two weeks. If you choose to send December greetings to your fans and art associates, here are some pointers to keep you from having to do everything at the last minute.

Laila Kujala, Inside the Majesty. Painting ©The Artist
Laila Kujala, Inside the Majesty. Painting ©The Artist
  • Decide by November 1 exactly what cards you’ll send. Do you need to purchase them? Print them? Make them? Whether you choose to send cards in December or for a New Year greeting, I hope they’ll show off your art! If they’re used for business, they should reflect your art and career, but this is no time for a sales pitch. Stick to the generous spirit of the season. (Save any letters about family members for your personal cards.)
  • Go through your mailing list by November 5 (the sooner, the better!) and flag the people you want to send cards to. Start addressing envelopes as soon as you can. Handwritten addresses are more personal than labels.
  • Write personal notes on 5-10 cards a week until they’re all done. Keep them in alphabetical order in a shoebox until they’re ready to send. Indicate in your database the recipients of your cards this year.
  • Purchase stamps by the end of November to avoid having to stand in line at the post office.
  • Mail Hanukkah cards by December 5, Christmas cards by December 15, and New Year’s cards between December 26 and January 5.

Feeling overwhelmed by it all? Avoid the rush! Groundhog Day, Valentine’s Day, and Presidents’ Day are just around the corner.

Ahead of the game? If you already have everything organized, you could make your business greeting a Thanksgiving message (“Thank you for your support over the past year”).

FINAL WORD: The holidays are rushed enough. Get a head start by deciding how you’ll participate and taking small actions before the big deadlines loom overhead.

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5 thoughts on “Prepare for the holidays”

  1. Over the years I’ve sent a lot of cards, both holiday cards and regular show announcements. It is really time consuming. Unfortunately in the last few years postage rates have skyrocketed, turning the poor postal carrier into a delivery person for the corporate bulk mailers. Despite this, I know it works for artists. It ain’t high tech, but a card makes a more tangible impact than email announcements. Artists should use both.

  2. i agree with posting vs. emailing holiday greetings.
    everyone on my e-list gets a holiday greeting/or new year’s greeting.
    and about 100 folks get a posted card with personal note…
    this is my way of making contact with my patrons/supporters who’ve become friends. –
    these greetings are always sent without any type of sales offers / exhibit announcements…
    these greetings also get ‘me’ in the holiday mood… (since i’ve been working on holiday season prep since september!)

  3. Alyson Stanfield

    Philip: Agreed! Putting something in the mail really makes you stand out. And just think how much we’re saving the rest of the year because of email.

    Karin: I understand about getting in the holiday mood. But September?! What on earth have you been doing? Making inventory? I can’t wait until the 24-hour Christmas music starts. Drives my husband batty, but I love it.

    Lauren: Like it ever gets smaller. Dreamin’!

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