Start Promoting Your Exhibition Now, Part 2: Break Down Tasks

We’re continuing the series on how to promote your art now rather than waiting until the last minute. If you missed Part 1 last week, find it here. You’ll need to read it and do the homework before you can begin promoting your art exhibit or event, so don’t miss that critical step.

Now it’s time to make a list of everything you’d like to do to promote your exhibition. As you’re making this task list, keep your audience in mind. Who needs to know you’re having an exhibition? Whom would you like to show up at your opening? What magazines or newspapers should cover it?

Here’s a list of 22 tasks to get you started promoting your art exhibition.

  • Post title, photos, and dates on Web site
  • Update mailing list
  • Update media list
  • Mention on blog, and then mention frequently on blog
  • Refer to it in your newsletter
  • Write press release
  • Post press release
  • Send a “save the date” announcement
  • Create and post flyers
  • Pitch to arts writers and critics, and to local or Internet radio shows
  • Create a podcast or two
  • Make a video and post on YouTube
  • Pitch to other bloggers
  • Order postcards or invitations
  • Tweet about it on
  • Give a talk at a local organization
  • Add to Facebook page on
  • Send invitations
  • Announce on
  • Make phone calls to extend personal invitation to certain people
  • Send last-minute email reminder
  • Write solid description of the art and contents of the exhibit (from Part 1 of this series)

Take each of these tasks and expand on them as much as you like. Break them down further, add specifics, or delete them. Make them your own!

In Part 3 of the series, we look at executing these tasks.

Promoting an exhibition seems overwhelming. Breaking it down into smaller tasks makes it more doable.

You can’t expect too much if you wait until the last minute to create enthusiasm about your exhibition.

DO THIS———-~>
Start promoting your art exhibition now.
This week’s homework is to break down your promotions into individual tasks. Your list may not look exactly like the one above. It has to be the right fit for you, so take time to personalize it.

What does your list of tasks for promoting your exhibition in advance look like? What have I forgotten?


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6 thoughts on “Start Promoting Your Exhibition Now, Part 2: Break Down Tasks”

  1. Pingback: Take Action! Don’t just read. Do! — Art Biz Blog

  2. This was so timely. I am having a show at the Cedar Ridge Winery ( in Swisher, Iowa ( October 18th – November 21st) and I had forgotten all about the press release. Yikes! That could have been sad.

    Thanks for the reminder!

  3. Pingback: Vision vs. Goals vs. Projects vs. Tasks — Art Biz Blog

  4. Pingback: Start Promoting Your Exhibit Now, Part 1: Describe It — Art Biz Blog

  5. Pingback: Proactive Self-Promotion: Tweak an Art Critic — Art Biz Blog

  6. Pingback: Start Promoting Your Exhibit Now, Part 3: Execute Your Plan — Art Biz Blog

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