Questions About MySpace

Oh, boy! All kinds of emails and comments about MySpace. People have very strong opinions about the efficacy of or even the validity MySpace as a business tool. Is it any good for me? Can my presence there be a detriment to being perceived as serious?

I admit, I know zip. I’m just testing the waters. Is it a mistake? I don’t know. But I do feel an obligation to be able to speak intelligently about these new online “opportunities” for artists. Or at least fake it with conviction. And I don’t think I could get a good idea about the whole set-up from an article alone.

I want to learn. Teach me!

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8 thoughts on “Questions About MySpace”

  1. It’s probably a bit late in the game to get much serious exposure from Myspace… I set up a Myspace page last december (or so) to promote a specific design product I was making. At first, it did do me some good (I got a couple online interviews and links out of it) but like any other online presence, it only works if you really *work it*. When I started the page, I spent a few days seeking out other Myspacers who might be interested in what I was doing and contacting them directly. I eventually went back to focusing on my *real* blog and that was pretty much that. I’m pretty sure that none of the sales I made during that period were directly or indirectly influenced by having a Myspace page. Myspace *can* be a decent way to connect with others of like mind… but the vallue there is more in the search features than in the page itself. IE: if you look for people on Myspace and invite them to check out your typepad blog, you’ll get just as much response as you might by asking them to add you to their friends. 2¢

  2. I have never joined, but I have been a member of online communities for years. I have two now that I attempt to stay active in, and It is a seductive demand on my time. I have made connections and even sales through those connections. I certainly have made friends, and I have learned a lot from them, and other resources. My networking focus now is in the flesh and blood realm. Socially and professionally, it is necessary.

  3. i have been involved in myspace for a year. i have found that more than anything myspace is a community. there are people on there for all kinds of self-serving reasons. mostly thought i think it’s to connect in a world that is full of isolation and disconnect. if you are looking for a way to connect with others all over the world, to share your talent and encourage others, it is a good place to spend time. i think it’s like gardening. you go till up the soil, plant a few seeds, water and wait. after a year, i have connected with folks, some perennials, some annuals. i find it a beautiful place. inspiring and encouraging. i feel good about my part in the cyber community. i live in a small town and myspace has expanded my borders. on myspace as a marketing tool: i’m not sure there is much value in myspace for sales, marketing. although, rupert merdock is convinced that it will be a marketing powerhouse. i think we are so over saturated with everyone wanting us to be “on their team” that i’m not convinced there is much benefit in entering that rat race. although, my page is designed to market my art form. just incase. 😉 so i say, give it a try. at the end of the day you may sell art or you may just make a dear friend. either way, you can’t loose.

  4. The wikipedia article on myspace is interesting: While the neutrality of wikipedia is always in question (and in fact a portion of this article is disputed) I think it’s a fairly good summary of what the site is about and the criticisms. The comments at your blog and this article confirmed my opinion that myspace isn’t worth my time at this point. I don’t have any additional hours I want to devote to online marketing efforts and it sounds like to be useful I would need to devote a significant amount of time to it. Althought it will stay on my radar (easy to do with teenagers in the house) and I’ll reevaluate it in a couple years.

  5. Alyson B. Stanfield

    Thanks, all! Here’s what I think right now: I don’t have time to build another community! I have four websites and a blog and have worked darned hard to build communities around those. Perhaps MySpace is meant for those who don’t already have the tools in place that I do. I’m sure that’s the case, it’s just that I didn’t want to miss out on everything and really want to know what the fuss is about. Plus, I do want to understand how artists might take advantage of it. I’m afraid they might have to find out for themselves since I can’t make it a priority at the moment.

  6. Chiming in once more here… I think you’re making the right decision, Alyson. No matter what web platform you’re talking about, it’s only going to be worth what you can put into it. Building community is hard work (though satisfying) and if you spread yourself too thin, it only becomes harder. Besides, TypePad gives you a lot more design control than Myspace, in a simpler interface. Although you *can* make a Myspace page look like almost anything you want, I found the process very frustrating. I think that the audience you’re looking for will appreciate the time you’ve put in here to make a professional looking blog.

  7. hi I tried to befriend you on myspace but you have to accept it. I would love to spread the word about your services to all my artitst friends but i am not sure it will work with that having to know your last name thingy. scott

  8. Alyson B. Stanfield

    Ugh! Thanks, Scott for wanting to “befriend me” I don’t know how to do this or even if I want to get into it. I promise I’ll try as soon as I come up for air, but it will be after my book proposal is completed in two weeks. Priorities!

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