
It’s time again for my annual Memorial Day issue. This is the day I give you reminders of what you should be doing to build your career and reputation and to sell more art. This is an incomplete list that reflects some truths as I see them at the moment.

Remember that you are in charge. This is your life and your career. Don’t listen to anyone else’s definition of success, but know how you would define success for yourself. Don’t sit by as others try to steal your power.

Remember that your mailing list is your #1 asset. Get it organized, update it, and, most importantly, use it.

Remember that your images stand in for your artwork. Make sure they are first-rate.

Remember that your artist statement is the backbone of your marketing efforts. Until you can articulate what your art is about, you will find it hard to write brochures, Web copy, grant applications, and press releases. This reminds me of something else . . .

Remember that you are a work in progress. Don’t write your statement and forget about it. Allow it to mature along with your art.

Remember that artwork is always listed as H x W x D.

Remember that connections are important in any career. You can stay in the studio and keep to yourself, or you can get out and meet more people that might be able to help along your artist’s path.

Remember to be kind, thoughtful, grateful, and generous. We’re often scared to let our “secrets” out, but the most successful artists I know are also the ones who share information the most freely.

Remember that you’re human. You can’t do it all. But you can look at the available options and prioritize. Figure out what is the best use of your time at this moment.

I’m always here to remind you.

What are you forgetting?

DO THIS———-~>
Remember. Take this list and post it in a prominent place.

What did I forget? What do you need to be reminded of? Let me know on the Art Biz Blog.
(Pssst: You can also see a picture of our resident fox while you’re there.)

Listen to the podcast on the Art Biz Blog.

Liz Reday, Freeways from Elysian Park. Oil on canvas, 10 x 20 inches. (c) The Artist

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