Todd, Jasper, and Building Relationships

ToddsworkMetalsmith Todd Tychewicz was at Saturday’s workshop in Salida. He does fabulous work and his having great fun making bugs like this one. He doesn’t have a fancy name for them or honor their precious metals and stones. He just calls them bugs.

Todd is perhaps my only groupie. He has never been to my website, but has now been to three of my presentations. He’s always smiling and genuinely happy to talk to everyone in the room. While he freely admits to being slightly lazy about his marketing, he’s got to be a master at building relationships. People just like to be around him.

ToddtychHere’s a picture of Todd on his bike with cat Jasper. As a fellow cat-lover, I couldn’t resist. I don’t know any other cats that would stand for a bike ride. (Todd says they’ve ridden as far as 6 miles together!)

Image top: Todd Tychewicz, Bug. (c) The Artist.

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3 thoughts on “Todd, Jasper, and Building Relationships”

  1. Todd’s my hero! I love your description of him as an energetic, happy guy, and then I got a full 2 minute belly laugh from the picture of Todd and Jasper. All hail things that make me laugh! I’m still laughing! And, his art is cool too.

  2. Hi Alyson!
    I just stumbled on this post. How wonderful to hear your kind words. I still struggle with marketing my work but I hear your wisdom ringing in my ears often. I’m still making jewelry for people, but currently, I do not have any work in galleries. Both of my galleries closed during the covid craziness. I’m struggling with a bit of bitterness I suppose, as I have never felt my work was understood and had great difficulty finding my clientele. As you know I’m a crazy cat lovin dude and over the years have made all my cats special pieces of furniture all their own. My cat Jasper has died, no surprise he lived to be 21 years old. I buried him in the hills behind Salida. I moved to Grand Junction to get out of the wind of Salida and I just needed a change. A year ago I adopted a couple of cats and immediately dove head first into creating cat furniture for them. Realizing how much fun I was having creating things to stimulate kitties, in addition, noticed the cat furniture on the market for the most part was very expensive and while being disposable. I also noticed that people love to spend hard earned cash on their furry friends. So my new endeavor is making awesome cat furniture, I call my new business Kitty Fingers Furniture. I haven’t turned my back on my custom jewelry just a bit of a redirection. Just thought I’d share a bit about myself and say hello to you. You truly are a shining star for me and have inspired me to be my best. Thank you so much! I hope you are doing well my friend. If you find yourself in GJ, give me a razzin and we’ll have lunch.

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