Twitter Tweekly from @abstanfield

Catch some of these tweets you might have missed if you looked away from your screen last week.
31 steps to a financial tune-up. NYT <We’re working on this in the Artist Conspiracy this month
Overwhelmed artist:”I don’t even own a microwave!” Me: “U don’t need a microwave to sell your art.” <hope I wasn’t 2 sassy @manifestcookies
How do you ensure that your exhibit commitments don’t overlap? discussion on my FB pg
Twitter BirdRT @ovac: artist scholarships for OK arts conference in October featuring @abstanfield, apply by 9/19
Artists: Anyone using and loving Art Tracker? One of my GO students needs some feedback
Thumbing thru 2nd ed of @barneydavey How to Profit from the Art Print Market. Good stuff!
Task Management Turbo-Charge for Art Biz Coach artists 9/15 taught by @ProductiveGirl
Does your website have ©2011 on it? Or an older date? Long past time to update it!
This is cool fr @AndrewPurchin How to MOVE to Visual Art < @jenlouden might enjoy this
Ouch. One programmer (note: not designer) won’t work with artists anymore Daily Beast
Simple, obvious, do it. RT @lvanderkam: The Most Productive Way to Spend 5 Minutes Right Now
Follow me on Twitter and don’t miss a tweet.

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5 thoughts on “Twitter Tweekly from @abstanfield”

  1. Alyson, I use Art Tracker. I find it easy to use and keep up with. It’s the only tracking system I’ve used, so I can’t compare with anything else.

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