Twitter Tweekly for April 21 2013

Galleries = consignment situations, not wholesale
Reputable galleries do not charge “gallery fees.” They EARN their commissions.
Geoffrey Gorman’s tips for artists are worth the read. He was a successful art-biz coach before moi and is now a…
Yes, post your prices with your artwork when you share it. That’s how people know it’s for sale.
Thinking about licensing your art as an additional source of income? Natasha Wescoat shares how she did it in this…
Painter travels to the wild for true adventure/subjects. Looks like a great film! via @robertgenn
Packing/shipping tips for art…
4 Tricks For Remembering Anybody’s Name via @FastCompany
An editorial calendar for your Facebook page via @jaybaer
Stop worrying about SEO and start worrying about building stronger connections
Repeat your tweets – @MariSmith The same people won’t see them the following week at a different time/day #icon13

It’s True

Marketing isn’t expensive these days, but you have to be willing to give your time
If you don’t know how to use the tools right, they won’t help you @grosocial #socialsimplified
It’s okay to take your Welcome message off your website. We did that in 1995. 😉
Remember: social media is for building relationships. It’s social. It’s ineffective if you’re promoting all of the time.
Consistent Effort + Measured Results + Tweaking What Isn’t Working = Success!
The answer to overwhelm: set aside planning time every day, week, and month

Something To Think About

RT @chrisguillebeau: What if our “hearts went out” to each other every day and not just when a tragedy occurs? (via @rachelwcole)
If you really want to be an artist, you search yourself, and you find a lot of it comes from earlier times – Claes Oldenburg via @nytimes
RT @fabienne: “I have not failed. I’ve just found 10,000 ways that won’t work.” – Thomas Edison
“You are the average of the five people you spend the most time with.”-Jim Rohn
RT @DanielPink: Six Simple And Irresistible Alternatives To The Elevator Pitch – Forbes < Right on!

For Fun

Woman Photoshopped with Her Cell Phone Camera into Old Photographs via @Zite
RT @chrisguillebeau: Designer turns negative client comments into posters — <hilarious!

For Impact

Quick! Send a Thank You note to someone

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7 thoughts on “Twitter Tweekly for April 21 2013”

  1. I read all of your posts pretty thoroughly but this one was especially fabulous. Every link had pithy and important information for all of us creatives (and others!). Thanks, Alyson, for all you do!

  2. Interesting the timing of your tweet about reputable galleries and gallery fees. This week I responded to a call for artists from a well-established gallery in town. They said they liked my work and wanted me to show. Then they shared their terms: $400 for the month, 30% commission and they’d hang the work for you, if you’d like, for an additional fee! I passed!

    1. Alyson Stanfield

      Ouch. I guess all galleries are hurting. It would be interesting to find out if this is a new practice for them.

  3. Thanks for your informative posts. I always learn something valuable from them! I have been approached by a vanity gallery in NYC for a fee of $4000.00 for 18 months. And I’d have to pay for shipping my paintings to them as well as many other hidden costs! Wow, thankfully I don’t have that kind of cash to even consider it!!
    Reconsidering putting prices on my website after reading your post…

    1. Alyson Stanfield

      Debra: Egad. That’s just SO wrong. And so unnecessary. The thing is that if it was worth it, I’d encourage you to find $4000. It’s important to invest in wise business decisions. But this isn’t one of them.

  4. Dear Alyson,
    I’m delighted with Art Biz Insider. You do an incredible job with all kinds of juicy and helpful tidbits and information. Seems like you have a staff of a thousand. I’m currently building a blog, and once it’s up and worthy of an adequate following, I’d love to use Art Biz Insider as a reference for my readers. Keep the good stuff coming!

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