Twitter Tweekly for August 11 2013

Every 2 weeks I share my juiciest tweets – ones I think you can really use or enjoy. The problem is that I don’t get a lot of feedback from these posts, so I don’t know if they’re helpful. If you’re reading these, I’d love for you to leave a comment and let me know. Thanks!
On with the show . . .

Gen Biz

How Men and Women Use Social Media Differently (Infographic) via @EntMagazine
Facebook Announces Embeddable Posts via @Zite
Follow Alyson on TwitterJust sick to hear that @filemaker_pro is discontinuing Bento. How does this affect you?
Inspired by @marciasmantras is great book abt cultivating inspiration instd of waiting for it to strike
people are measurably less happy when they are mind-wandering, no matter what they are doing via @HarvardBiz…
How to make sure you see your fav newsletters (including the Art Biz Insider) in Gmail
I’m writing a press release and found this article helpful…
Always be thinking about your next step. What’s yours? #art #artists
The more you have faith in your direction, the more likely you will be to stand up for what is important. #artists


What are your printing recommendations? Rachel wants to know [on this Facebook post]: “I’m seeking to reproduce my watercolor art and am…
Your top priorities are those things that will have the biggest positive impact on your career and art business #artbizidea #artists
Don’t schlep your art around in supermarket bags. Use portfolios and beautiful boxes.
Bad Art Definitely Bad, Science Confirms via @Zite
Juried exhibitions are great for building your confidence and testing the waters. not usually great for sales or exposure #artists #art
RT @sam_clift: my recent bad experience due to not having my art work insured… <So sorry this happened to you!Preview
Love this idea for exhibition funding. Sponsor a state (goes with ex theme)… @RedLineDenver_
Need a contract for your #art ? See… via @HarrieteE Bookmark it!
Do artistic collaborations ever work?… via @TheAtlantic

Art Market

“while the art market was originally an activity for a few selected individuals, it has now morphed into a lifestyle”
Nice interview with gallerist David Zwirner…
Taking Stock of Amazon Art via @hyperallergic


not to be melodramatic, but I can no longer write without these pens… OfficeMax product
Loving looking at decor in places where women create @wherewomencreat

Do NOT Miss This

Loving How to Be More Creative post fr @david_duChemin…

Please Do This

US artists of any kind, please consider participating in this 10-minute survey on health insurance and artists….

Think About It

each dollar from an NEA grant helps to leverage at least $8 from other state, local, and private sources
“Busyness” is just laziness in disguise. via @CTheFlow
How can Detroit build a stadium + consider unloading art collection? Shameful!…

Holy Cats!

When the object had a story the resale price went up 2700%!… via @HarvardBiz #artists take notice!


Follow @abstanfield on Twitter for the most timely updates for growing your art business.


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16 thoughts on “Twitter Tweekly for August 11 2013”

  1. Yes, please keep sending these out. I clicked through to at least five of the links. And about Bento: Nooooooooooooooo!!!! thanks for the news, I hadn’t heard.
    Also, I love the idea of extending the value of my twitter posts by putting them in a newsletter.
    Thanks for all that you do!

  2. I enjoyed reading the link about happy and mind-wandering! Took the test there and found out what I already know about myself, but still, it is good to know you know what the heck you need to work on!

  3. Well, here is some feedback: I read the story about sharing your art. Moving story of need and help. Amazing mosaic work, too!

  4. Good lord, yes — please keep sending these out! It’s like a feed reader for me, especially since I’m busy in the studio or promoting when I’m not at my day job. I’m sorry I’ve just been reading and not commenting!
    Especially liked the YouTube link on how to see your favorite newsletters… I had heard about this issue previously, but was too tired at the time to read directions. The video was a tremendous help in eliminating the mental barrier to action.
    And I had no idea about Amazon Art… my first thoughts were indeed “which artists are they choosing? It takes work to find wonderful but unknown artists. Just ask a gallery owner.” No surprise Amazon just threw stuff on the wall to see what stuck, instead of getting someone who knows art to direct the section’s creation. Thanks for the opportunity for a little harmless smugness. 🙂

  5. Alyson – I enjoy reading this blog and thank you for putting it together! I read the mind-wandering article – hand held high, here. Great stuff to think about. – Michele

  6. Alyson, I generally read through the list of twitter items in your twitter tweekly email and choose those that I’m most interested in to read. I don’t use Twitter much and certainly wouldn’t find the kind of content that is in your twitter tweekly some of which I really appreciate. So, thank you!

  7. Hi Alyson, I always try to scan your twitter tweeklies, and I always find something useful in there. I hope you will continue these and I will try to be better about posting comments. My favorites this time were the printing resources and the blog post by photographer David DuChemin. Thank you so much for all that you do!

  8. I’m sorry I never thought to comment. I look forward to your twitter tweeklies. Please keep ’em coming! Thank you so much.

  9. Alyson Stanfield

    A big thanks to all of you for this feedback. I know the Tweeklies don’t lend themselves to commenting (since the links go off-site), so this is valuable.
    You know, I reintroduced the Tweekly because I missed them. I needed a place to make sense of what I was sending out into the ethers. Now I can continue them for you.

  10. Hi Alyson!
    I love your Tweekly reports. I don’t have much time to read all your wonderful stories, but Tweekly keeps me up to date. Please continue doing them. They are a valuable resource! Blessings, Danette

  11. Yes, please do continue, not sure what to comment most times other than “Great and thanks”, maybe that is enough? I do check most of them out. Unfortunately, was not able to view this one:“while the art market was originally an activity for a few selected individuals, it has now morphed into a lifestyle”
    It goes to the same as this one:
    Nice interview with gallerist David Zwirner…
    Thank you for taking the time to post your tweetly reports! It is truly appreciated!

  12. I find your Tweekly posts very useful, especially since I’m not active (much) on Twitter. They contain lots of interesting and educational tidbits that I couldn’t find all on my own.
    Thank you.

  13. I read and click thru the Tweekly too and since I don’t spend as much time on twitter as I would like I appreciate the things you highlight! clicked thru quite a few this one and got a lot of interesting tidbits.

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