Twitter Book Club Summer 09: de Kooning

Starting June 8, a crew of us on Twitter are reading and tweeting about the Pulitzer Prize winning book, de Kooning: An American Master by Mark Stevens and Annalyn Swan.

Join us! It’s FREE!

All you have to do is

1. Pick up a copy of the book (here’s my Amazon link) and join in the conversation.

2. Leave your Twitter handle in a comment on this page to let us know you’re joining in.

3. Start reading! We’re aiming for 100 pages a week (it’s a dense book and over 600 pages).

4. Use the #dekooning hashtag in your tweet when you’re talking about something you read in the book.

5. To follow along and see what others are saying, go to and enter the #dekooning hashtag. Here’s the direct link with the hashtag already entered.

There are no other rules, so don’t even ask. We’re making it all up as we go along. C’mon! It’ll be fun!

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12 thoughts on “Twitter Book Club Summer 09: de Kooning”

  1. I read the review of the deKooning book and promptly ordered it. All I can say is even though it is very lengthy and not something you would pick up on a whim it is one that I can’t put down….I am intrigued! So much of interest as well as revealing to be able to have a much more intimate insite into the artist/man.

    Sure gives insite to the art of the 50’s and the artists of the time!

    I am struck with how he struggled with his work especially the Woman 1. Amazing how much your past plays into the creative process…it creeps into your work in spite of you without realizing it!! The creative process is amazing!

    I am 3/4 through the book and hate to finish it! Never thought I would say that about this type of reading material!

  2. Joining the deKoonig discussion.

    My Twitter handle is @MarieGsArt

    Haven’t gotten the book yet but will get moving on it. After reading Joan’s comment I can’t wait to get the book and start.

  3. Alyson B. Stanfield

    Marie: Glad you can join in. The book is fantastic! I’m about finished with it, but I still want people to talk about it.

  4. Alyson B. Stanfield

    Joan: I agree. I had no idea about that struggle with Woman 1. It was so interesting. The authors are great storytellers.

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