Vacation highlights

Some of my favorite moments of the past 5 days.

  1. Listening to This American Life podcasts in the car. (If you love this show, consider a donation. They need it to keep podcasting!)
  2. Seeing "Get Smart" at the Majestic Theater in Crested Butte. I really liked this quirky movie.
  3. Being able to take the two cats along. Crazy, but true.
  4. Dinner at the new Django’s restaurant on Mt. Crested Butte. So chic I thought I was in the middle of Manhattan. I got to sample small plates of Brussels sprouts (a favorite of mine, not of my husband’s–so I got most of them), scallops, shrimp, stuffed peppers, and more. And, oh my, the blood orange sorbet is to die for.
  5. Dinner at Timberline in Crested Butte. The sweet onions went perfectly with the salmon.
  6. Watching the start of the Tour de France before we left yesterday morning.
  7. The crazy, small-town 4th of July parade in Crested Butte.
  8. Being able to watch fireworks from the living room window.
  9. Coming home / watching The Quiet American on DVD last night.
  10. The cool rain today.

Nothing about art in there. Sorry about that. And you? How did you spend the holiday?

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8 thoughts on “Vacation highlights”

  1. No vacation here but it sounds like you had a lovely time! I must have borrowed your work energy as I had a fantastic 2 days in the studio Saturday and Sunday working on the huge Isle of Wight paintings. 🙂

  2. Alyson B. Stanfield

    Gam & Tina: Thanks much. Philip: No, they don’t really LIKE it. But we hate leaving them at home. We can take them on a short trip like this and they’re somewhat happy–as long as there is a bed to hide under when we arrive.

  3. Where can I make a donation to ArtBizBlog ? I just got into another gallery because of ArtBizBlog …It’s called Impressions Art Gallery & it’s really swanky …

  4. I marched in Vermont’s largest 4rth of July parade in Brandon VT (my town) with 14 of the 21 students who have spent the last two weeks making costumes in my Summer AArtz workshops; then drove an hour+ to my opening at the Dorset Theater in Dorset Vt; then drove an hour+ to play music with my band (the Sleeping Dogs) at a retirement party; then rescued our bass player whose muffler was dangling and spraying sparks. We wired it up with a bass string and drove home. Quite a day! Now intensely getting ready for my show in Bellevue Washington at the end of the month.

  5. …if I tell you how I got into the gallery , I’ll have to kill you …seriously though , I 1)read Michael Crichton’s books , “Next’ & ‘State of Fear’ both awesome… 2)made friends with Puzzle, Digger, Killer, Muffin, & Kayla , our newish horse family 3)bought ‘The Schmutz’ to transport our two bengals…4)had dinner at ‘The Rushton’ ,mussels 5)also at ‘The Wishbone’, ribs (please forgive me)…6)was watching Wimbledon… 7)July 1st was Canada Day… 8)fireworks too 9)”Superbad” when I came home 10)sunshine all weekend…okay…here goes…3)(in response to why I attribute ArtBizBlog with getting me into a new schwanky gallery)…well, I had to submit a bio & a c.v. & a statement …which three years ? after I started following the ArtBizBlog is almost respectable (my fault- I find this task so difficult for some reason) …& it had to be in a pdf text digital format, which I needed iWork for, which I bought recently, & I attribute my willingness & confidence to learn, as with many computer gizmos, with ArtBIzBlog…then I had to submit images , digital too, which I swiped from my new eCrater shop, which is free, & I recently ditched my Ebay store, cause here on ArtBizBlog everyone sort of dissed Ebay, so a bonus again, cause it is actually better for me…then , I had to burn all of this myself to a CD (on a newish DVD burner which we attached to my Mac) , which I know how to do, again, credit to ArtBizBlog for the incentive to figure out this piece of technology…then, sigh, argh, I went to Shopper’s Drug Mart , bought a environmentally correct card & listed sizes & medium & titles for the digital files & a short hello note in writing , which again I attribute actually to an ArtBizBlog file I bought which emphasized written notes & I remembered this at the last minute…I also bought a bubble padded envelope for the Cd in the case, & enclosed pretty business cards, again , ArtBizBlog kept me up on the importance on aesthetically pleasing business cards…The stamps were attractive also with photos of flowers on them, two different varietals…Need I say more ?…& this is why I offered to donate some money to the ArtBizBlog to help keep it going, ’cause I just got an email Saturday night from the gallery I just got into, & I attribute that recent success with Alyson Stanfield & her ArtBizCoach machinations etc….How’s that for a testimonial in late night tired artist verse…(if someone edits this it might actually play properly- me I gotta sleep, I tired…) (hope you don’t make me do this again Coach)…

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