What are you searching for?

You can really help me out here.

When you found me–or wanted to find someone like me–what were you searching for?

When you use Google to find something to help you with your art business, what terms do you use?


art marketing
artist self-promotion
marketing resources
art business help
artist statement
art career advice

Those are just for ideas. What would you use or what have you used?

Your help is greatly appreciated!

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26 thoughts on “What are you searching for?”

  1. I found you after searching ART ADVICE , when I went to the link it said I could ask one question for free & I did, & you answered & I was so grateful, I have been following here since…(3 years ago?)

  2. I think back a couple years or maybe it was a year & half ago….I think I had searched for “Artist Statements” as I was trying to get one done.

  3. I would probably use search terms like: “living a creative life” or terms that deal with emotion like “coping with a creative business” “creativity and competition”

  4. I think initially, two years ago, I was looking for a little bit of everything, as any advice was great to have (and it still is!).. Now that I’m a little less green though, I spend more time looking for: Art Marketing Discussions about the art world (I highly enjoy Deep Thought Thurs), and the direction it all seems to be going.

  5. It’s been so long I have no idea how I found you, but I’m betting it was through link browsing. As for what words I use, it depends on what I’m looking for: art marketing or marketing art; elevator speech; business plan or art business plan; artist statement (I think the piece you did on artist statment vs artist bio was great and still have it); art publicity, etc. I don’t think there’s any one term

  6. I found you through one of the blogspots I regularly browse, and since I have no experience marketing fine art (only crafts) I was intrigued. If I were doing a search, I would probably look for ‘marketing art’. Judy

  7. Although I found you via the Art Business News publication I know I have searched for Art Agent seeking art business advice. Also I ask specific HOW TO questions repeatedly in different formats and see what pops up.

  8. A dear friend and fellow artist, Armond Scavo, attended one of your seminars a while back. He was so taken with your message, delivery, and personality, that his enthusiasm alone converted me on the spot. I bought your book immediately, and quickly came under it’s positive and inspiring spell. So, I didn’t actually search for you, except in the sense that the universe responds to the energy of intention, and my intention has certainly been to adopt a no-excuse attitude toward self-promotion as an artist. One might say that, in this case, the universe was my Google, and you were the top hit.

  9. I too found you through links — I think from Lisa Call? And someone in my artist network had info about your group marketing stuff. But I might have googled art marketing, business for artists.

  10. Hi Alyson, I landed in your abundant treasure chest of art biz nuggets about a year ago via a link in the main post of an artist’s blog. Then, I hopped from your well-thought out and logical links reading about you and the wealth of info you offer. Based on your energy, intellect, and organizational skills for your blog, newsletter, and more, I immediately signed up for your fantastic newsletter! P.S. (Sorry you haven’t seen comments from me in a while; sprained my arm and wrist, but I have been reading to my heart’s content!) If I had not found you that way, I would have used “art marketing.”

  11. A few years ago when I did my search, I used “Art Marketing,” “Business of Art.” It brought up the book Art Marketing 101 which referred to Aletta de Wal. Through her site I found out about and joined the Telesummit. That’s where I found you. Now these search terms would bring me straight here.

  12. Hi Alyson, I’m fairly sure that I found a link to your site from a post on an art forum, probably Wetcanvas. Otherwise, I tend to search for phrases like: marketing for artists art business selling art online Thanks, Karen

  13. I was searching for “art blog” to see what other artists were writing in their blogs. I’ve been looking for: artist website art writing artist statement

  14. I found you elsewhere but if I were searching would probably use: art business advice art business articles art business (on its own like Karen said) artist coach Tina.

  15. Hi Alyson Art Marketing, Selling Art, Art Business would have been my Google search terms. I’m not sure if I got to your site via a link on another site or through Google. Thanks for all the great info you give to us. *Ed P

  16. I also found you through a blog link. In fact, this is how I find out about most artists and arts-related things … if it’s on a regularly updated blog, then it’s usually “now”.

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