What if . . . ? < Deep Thought Thursday

That’s all.
Just . . .
What if . . . ?

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27 thoughts on “What if . . . ? < Deep Thought Thursday”

    1. Alyson Stanfield

      Yes, but it’s interesting how many people put a negative spin on it. I hope people use it to look toward the future and think of possibilities.

  1. I stopped being so afraid and started making more and better art?
    I got a show in NYC?
    I accepted that invite to the Florence Biennale?
    I had kept my studio and used it more often?
    I used the time I had to make art instead of doing nothing and then wishing I had when I was working or driving someplace?
    I was in the studio right now?…Gotta go…

  2. Interesting questions 🙂
    Often my paintings start with this question, e.g., my Eye Holder series, where I asked myself “what if we could bring our eyes in places which aren’t accessible usually?”.
    “What if” makes us dreaming and developing ideas, but it’s dangerous too, if we keep on dreaming and do not take action.

  3. What if…
    I quit thinking:
    I can’t do that.
    I’m ‘just’ a self-taught artist.
    I wouldn’t fit in.
    Hmmm, so simple, and yet a very thought-provoking post.
    Thank you!

  4. Ooo…! Can’t live by “what ifs”! “What ifs” keep you speculating. Action now! That’s why my favorite quote is:
    Do or do not. There is no try. – Yoda

    1. Alyson Stanfield

      Lois: But “what if” can lead you to possibilities you might not otherwise think about.
      Really? You never stop to ponder what might be possible if you just tweaked this or that?

    2. Actually, Alyson, I can’t say that I’ve NEVER stopped to ponder, maybe I have, but it’s apparently so rare of an occurrence that I can’t remember doing it. I tend to just “do”. I guess I don’t ask the question, what I’m more apt to say is, ” I’m going to…” then I judge the reaction I have to my effort. If I don’t like it, I change it. I’m not a “dabbler”, I’m a “doer”. There is a difference between the two states of mind.

    1. Alyson Stanfield

      Dora: That’s looking back. How about: “What if the last 30 years informed my art and made me a better artist in the long run?

  5. …everyday, I did something that scares me.
    How much braver would I be?
    Where would I find myself a month or a year from now?

  6. My parents were always on my case, telling me to “stop what-iffing.”
    What if they hadn’t done that but had encouraged me instead? Of course I was just more often what-iffing a negative result than a positive one.
    This topic is a painful one for me. But I still what-if and mostly negative. I’ve tried to get over that and what-if positive things, but it isn’t natural yet. Sometimes it helps me solve a problem or manipulate my creativity, (as in “what if I connect this loop here instead of there?”), but other times? I end up stressing (as in “what if she gets mad?”)

    1. Alyson Stanfield

      That’s how I want you to use it – creatively!
      What if I looked at the problem differently?
      What if I weren’t afraid to question the status quo?
      What if I allowed myself to laugh a bit more?
      What if I turned everything negative around and made it positive?

  7. Sometimes it’s the simple things that work the best! Interesting post, certainly gets the grey cells working!
    What if…
    I learned to turn my negative thoughts into positive ones!
    Believed in my success instead of worrying about failing!
    Oh I could go on for hours… but I won’t!

  8. Ann Marie Scott

    Hoo boy this is a good one, especially today, what an awful day. But I did make a nice little painting…the rest was yuck.

  9. I know I am late to this party but I’ve been thinking about the question for a week! And I realize : “What if I worked as hard for myself as I have worked for others?” And I know : Amazing things will happen. I am already making good progress. Finally! Alyson, thank you for all the information and guidelines. It is enormously helpful.

    1. Alyson Stanfield

      Amantha: I love it that you spent so long thinking about this. You weren’t going to waste your “what if.” I think this is profound for you.

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