Why I self-published my book

After yesterday’s Art Marketing Action newsletter, which contained mention of the naming of my publishing company, Pentas Press, Shan Bryan-Hanson wanted to hear why I decided to publish the book myself.

The shortest explanation is that with self-publishing, I could get it out much faster, have more control over it (have you seen all of the ugly books out there for artists?!), and make a lot more money from it. Making money wasn’t the reason I was writing it, but I wasn’t too keen on the thought of having others make more money than I from all of my hard work.

_wsb_323x332_meditationflowerI’d Rather Be in the Studio! was already an almost two-year-old project by that point and I couldn’t bear the thought of sending out a bunch of proposals and waiting to pick up a publisher. There’s a lot of information in IRBITS that is timely–lots of technology that can change in 6 months (never mind a year or longer!). It needed to get out quickly.

Fortunately, I’ve been an active member of the Colorado Independent Publishers Association for almost three years. It’s through this affiliation that I learned about the biz–and I have so much more to learn.

Image (c) Shan Bryan-Hanson, Money Plant

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4 thoughts on “Why I self-published my book”

  1. You are the perfect example of a successful self-published author. You have a generous blog, which you maintain faithfully. You make personal appearances and provide coaching services. Your book is a tool, and an integrated part of your brand. This would not work for me. I like to have the services of a talented editor, book designer, marketing, and shipping staff, but I certainly am learning a lot about promotion from you. Even those of us who are extensively published by traditional houses must push our own products. My best, Linda

  2. Alyson B. Stanfield

    Linda: Thanks! But I, too, had a superb editor and a second wonderful copyeditor. I wouldn’t spend a dime on a book without them. Nor would I trust the interior and cover to anyone but experienced book designers. The shipping, however, well, that’s my job. And, you’re right! I know that having a traditional publisher doesn’t mean they promote you one iota. You gotta beat the bushes. Thanks so much for sharing your experiences.

  3. Alyson, Thank you for answering my question and posting an image of one of my paintings. Both are truly appreciated. It appears that maintaining creative control over the quality of your book, from its conception to its final form, was imporant to you. Visual artists certainly relate to that! It has been very inspiring to read about your writing and publishing process. Thanks for sharing. Now I need to order the book!

  4. Alyson, I recently started interning at a company and learned about a couple of self-publishing companies, one of which is AuthorHouse. I think it’s definitely a great thing. And I would completely agree with you if I was in your situation. I, too, would not want other people to make more money than me off of my work. It definitely is convenient, too. It’s way faster. Anyway, congratulations on self-publishing your work and on all your success. Keep up all the great work!

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