Would you join a book club for artists?

One of my goals this year (yep, still working on them) is to start an artists’ book club. I would like to meet in person, but I also think there would be value in doing this in the virtual world.

What do you think?

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24 thoughts on “Would you join a book club for artists?”

  1. Reading is one of those things I love doing to get away from “work” – yes, I love my art business, but you can’t live and breath it every minute of the day. So reading – and talking about what I’ve read – is a passion. Count me in! ~Pam

  2. Absolutely! Most of the books I read are about art in some way or are such good fiction or non-fiction I consider them works of art. Artists have rather eclectic tastes in what they like to read anyway, and lots of other book clubs aren’t really interested in those topics. Sounds great!

  3. What a great idea. It takes me a long time to read a book though, now that I am adding to my data base, taking daily actions, and being fanatically obsessive about my goals!

  4. I collect books on art history – eg: monographs on my favourite artists. I would be very keen and interested in a book club that focussed on art, the creation of art and the business of art. If the book club meandered into non-art-related subjects, then I don’t really see the benefit for artists above and beyond what they would get from any other book club. There is a lot of dross published in the art book field, with bad books vastly outnumbering good ones – so it would be handy to share tip-offs on which books are worth investing in and which are not. I never cease to be amazed/disappointed by Art Museums which publish exhibition catalogues that sport small photos, where the paper size would have allowed for larger images (the cynic in me suspects some staff are out to justify their existence, so the authors are focussed on the word count over image presentation). Since I expressed an interest in tips from others on good purchases, it’s only fair that I share also … my tip this week for an outstanding art book would be Norman Lindsay: oil paintings 1889-1969 (see odanaonline.com). I warn that the price is not for the faint hearted, but I took delivery of my copy last week and vouch that it’s worth the price.

  5. I would be very keen on the idea of a book club. I collect books from North Light, but reviews on art-related books and information about business-related books would be wonderful. Add me to your growing list of interested readers! 🙂

  6. What do you mean by book club? Is is only reviews and critiques or would the club sell books too? I used to belong to the graphic design book club. I don’t think it still exists, but for years each month they offered books at club member prices, along with brief reviews, and featured book each month. So I was able to get a lot of great books that I never heard of for about half-price. They are books I still use and refer to today.

  7. I would like to participate in an on-line book club that focused on art and art business related books — and possibly those dealing with creative process, etc. If that’s what you have in mind, count me in. Living as I do about an hour from the metropolis, I long for interesting discussion and, even, heated debate!

  8. Merne McCarron Halweg

    Great idea Alyson! I’d be interested too! What would you think about having the book discussions via a teleconference? I’d love to have actual “voice to voice” interaction and lively discussions with other artists. Merne

  9. Artist book club? Absolutely. Pam RuBert brought up a good point about selling books. I wonder if we could somehow get group rates, at least for the newest books that may not be at our public library. It would help a little for those of us that would have difficulty with yet another budget item, but would not like to miss out on the book club opportunity. Also would you consider using an online forum for a book club as oppose to the teleconference or a combination of both with the teleconferences being less frequent? I agree a voice to voice would be wonderful, but I am concerned with long distance costs. I would like to see a forum like the one on wetcanvas.com where the members read and discussed Julia Cameron’s book “The Artists Way”. Using a forum allows for archiving all of the posts for convenience of review at anytime and for any new book club members to refer to when a reference is made to a previous discussion. As a visual artist, I find that I glean and retain most information, when I physically read the posts versus listening and talking about it.

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