Your most-visited Web site pages

Clint Watson of FineArtStudioOnline writes . . .

The most visited pages on an artist’s website are:

1.  The About the Artist Page
2.  The list of galleries that carry the artist’s work
3.  A page showing available artwork

I was curious which pages people visit most often when visiting an artist’s site, so I delved into the stats of several of the higher traffic artists who host with our sister company, FineArtStudioOnline.

The above list shows you which pages, other than the home page, are the most visited.  I deliberately left the home page off the list because home pages tend to get a lot of "looky-loo" traffic that ends up on your site by "mistake" and immediately leaves.

This list brings to my mind a few ideas:

1.  Your "About the Artist" page should be current and should change
I would suggest thinking of your "About the Artist" page as an overview of who you are, what you’re currently working on, and a guide to your web site.  Don’t think of it as something that you write once and then mark off of your "to do" list (your printed bio should change fairly often as well).  Update this page with your current projects, link to your favorite pieces on your site, include an image or two of current works (that you change often). I also think this evidence shows that the "About the artist" page needs to have a place where you, as the artist, direct your reader to sign up for your email list.

2.  You should have a list of "dealers"
If you don’t show in galleries, don’t despair. I think the high traffic on the galleries page simply shows that people want to know "where can I find this artist’s work?"  Make sure you have a navigation link for "dealers", "galleries", "venues" or something similar.  Heck, you might even call it "Where to find my work."

3.  You need an "available artwork" page
People want to know what’s available.  Don’t make visitors figure it out.  Just make a page that shows your available artwork.

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10 thoughts on “Your most-visited Web site pages”

  1. Hello, I am a regular lurker here. Great site. Question about #3 I am currently represented in 11 galleries and don’t want to give the impression that the I am selling the work online. I thought about listing which paintings are available and where but galleries rarely call to notify me of a sale. I just receive a check the following month for the pieces sold. I am not sure how to handle this? Don’t you feel that artist selling online and via ebay are shooting themselves in the foot.

  2. These are excellent tips.Several I already incorporate, but you sparked some new ideas, too. Thank you! I maintain my professional art website our own server, not here in blogland.

  3. “How so?” It is hard enough competing with other galleries. Why would a gallery want to represent you if they have to compete with you for sales? For an artist to grow I just think the gallery/artist relationship is vital because it allows artists to concentrate on the work. When you spend time posting ebay ads, shipping work, answering emailed questions, and other, how much time do you actually work?

  4. Alyson B. Stanfield

    Elio: It’s important to remember that not all artists have galleries as a goal. Many prefer to sell directly and enjoy that part of the work. And, even if you are represented by galleries and are doing quite well, there is still much business to be done. The galleries aren’t going to do everything for you. They’re not going to keep your mailing list, track your financial information, pay people on your staff, etc.

  5. Alyson, You are right! I never considered that being in a gallery wouldn’t be the final goal. As far as galleries not doing everything, that is correct but if you manage yourself correctly in the modern world there is little to do but paint. For example… Bill pays…pays the bills. Accountant…handles the money.

  6. yes…I opened an Ebay store because being in a gallery was not my final goal…I wanted to further my reach to the larger community in order to broaden my artistic perspective…my grandfather & great uncle’s work is in The Hockey Hall of Fame, a museum …The Turofsky collection was the founding collection… I have big shoes to fill…just painting is not enoughI have to grow grow grow & isolating myself with paint is not a whole option, partial but not enough. (my accountants double billed me this year, I caught it,but, so much for letting them handle the money-Elio)…

  7. Alyson, this is all very helpful information, even for those of us who have had websites a long time. I am constantly evolving and since I no longer have a page on my website about my shop/gallery it would certainly be good to have an About the Artist page….a big DUH! but thanks for the reminder once again. Sometimes we (I) get so overwhelmed with all there is to do in this life we forget the incredibly simple things that would make our life easier! Thanks….again!

  8. Alyson B. Stanfield

    Mary: I thought it was fascinating that artwork was #3 on the list! Of course, if your home page has some strong work on it, people are probably intrigued already.

  9. Colleen J. Gibson

    Good Morning, This is an interesting site. I am an art teacher and also have have some good luck. My art is in the Castroville Tourist Guide. This town was settled by Fremch Alsatians and the the homes they built are subjects yhat I paint.These homes were built in the mid 1800 and are found in the guide. I also have a building I painted at the State Historical Site on the invitation for the State Parks and Wildlife. I belong to a number of art groups and have my art in several galleries. Colleen Gibson

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