A Quick-and-Easy DIY Marketing Recipe

What does your marketing mix look like?
In the Art Biz Incubator this month, members are working on the ideal “recipe” for marketing activities.
You can save yourself from overwhelm by doing the same – remembering, of course, that you can’t do everything. You must pick and choose.
Recipe for Success
For the marketing tasks below:

  1. Confirm that it will or won’t be part of your mix.
  2. Identify the task – describing its various components in detail.
  3. Decide on the frequency.
  4. Understand how you will measure effectiveness.

Marketing Tasks

Networking in person
Networking online
Snail mail
Images and video
Blogs and websites
Email newsletters and “blasts”
Writing articles for publication (I have a seminar coming up on this topic in December. Look for it!)
Public talks
While you can do this on your own, there are benefits from working within a supportive group like the Art Biz Incubator.
Members receive feedback from other members who will also hold you accountable and you get your questions answered by me on live monthly calls. But you still have to do the work.
What’s your marketing mix?

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  • Craft a policy for donating your art and stick to it.
  • Set limits on your donations.
  • Follow real-life examples.

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13 thoughts on “A Quick-and-Easy DIY Marketing Recipe”

  1. Gina Barry Harris

    I just watched a webcast seminar about getting published in Cloth Paper Scissors magazine last week. I can’t wait to see what suggestions you have about that too…

  2. This is something I need to curl up with a notebook and a cup of coffee and really define! I am always trying to get the word out but it’s all rather haphazard sometimes. I have committed to bi-monthly e-newsletters and I just started a “giveaway” promotion online to gather more interest/followers/potential clients:
    But the idea just popped up and I put it out there instead of planning (and perhaps sending out teasers ahead of time?) and scheduling it in advance. Thanks for the “recipe” – that conspiracy is looking awfully good too!

  3. i’ve just started thinking about my art goals for 2013…so this gives me a good starting point because i really need to take a serious look at my marketing strategy and tweak it a bit!! thanks!

  4. Jill Kemerer Roberts

    One of the things that keeps me out there in the public eye and consistently gives me portfolio pieces and projects to talk about is giving away small murals to the local nonprofit silent auctions. This gets me into the homes of those who can afford these auctions. Most people who go to these events are very supportive of their nonprofits and are willing to bid on my murals to support their cause. I get to know the client and they get to watch me paint on their walls. Sometimes they cal me back for a paying project. Mostly they get to look at my art every day in their home and talk about it to their friends and guests. Remember that many of the people at these auctions are connected directly to the nonprofit such as sitting on their board or active committees. Many, many people will walk past my donation set up and pick up my business card during the auction. It’s a great way to be supportive of meaningful nonprofits in your area while getting free advertising to select groups!

  5. I’m still new in the art business world and haven’t sold a single artwork yet. But in terms of getting my name out there I found it really fulfilling for me and my mentors that I follow through all their advice. When they refer me to a person, I go to that person. When they tell me to attend some event I attend that event. It makes me happy that I am able to make my mentors happy by taking their advice seriously. So far I maintain a blog, I also gave out a 12 page or so brochure that already ran out, and I develop as many as possible networks offline.

  6. This is so on time for me. I feel like I’m a bit all over the place with my new efforts to promote my work. The only two I wouldn’t put on my list yet would be public talks and article writing. I’ll consider either once I feel I’ve attained a following and a considerable amount of collectors. I do eventually want to give back to the artist community once I feel I have knowledge to share on whats worked for me. Your book and blog will certainly be something I will tell anyone as I start to make connections with artists!
    Thank you Alyson!

  7. Pingback: 5 Ways to Simplify Your Art Business in 2013 « Art Biz Blog

  8. Pingback: You Are So Lucky « Art Biz Blog

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