The Art Biz ep. 108: Boldly Reaching Out to Art World Influencers with Laurence de Valmy

People. You need them.

You need people to buy your art, people to show your art to, people to attend your shows, people to write about your work, and, let’s face it, you need people to support you emotionally along the way.

You need other artists around who “get” you. It’s in these friendships that you will find understanding as well as ideas that challenge you to be a better artist.

acrylic painting Modigliani censored artist Laurence de Valmy | on Art Biz Success
©Laurence de Valmy, Modigliani Censored. Acrylic on canvas, 40 x 30 inches.

The relationships you nurture can sustain you, but you’ll never know to what extent until you start taking them seriously. Until you believe with all of your soul that you can’t do this on your own.

This month on The Art Biz podcast, we’re emphasizing the value of 1-on-1 marketing. I almost hate to call it marketing because it’s really about building authentic relationships. Relationships with other artists, gallerists, writers, curators, buyers, students, collectors, and agency administrators.

You are not alone if this type of personal relationship building doesn’t come easily to you. Many of us were born without that gene, and if this is true for you, it’s not too late. It’s a skill that can be practiced and improved upon over time.

As I said back in episode 107, the not-so-secret secret to higher level growth for artists is in personalizing your marketing. Really caring about humans and having private interactions rather than broadcasting to social media or a large list all of the time.

But what do you do if you move to a new place and don’t know anyone? Or if you’re just getting started? Where do you begin?

In this episode I talk with Laurence de Valmy about how she has used her bonus talent as a writer to make connections in all arenas of the art world. It all started with the thought that there were people out there who knew more about how to “be” an artist than she did. She trusted that she could learn from them. Even if you aren’t a writer, I think you’ll be inspired by her boldness and creativity.


artist Laurence de Valmy | on Art Biz Success
Photo credit Renee Riccardo.
  • “This is the place to take the leap.” Laurence reflects on her artist journey. (2:32)
  • The birth of The Curious Frenchy blog. (5:42)
  • Laurence’s publishing schedule is shaped by the artists she meets. (8:14)
  • How to more effectively learn from others while promoting their work. (9:52)
  • What was it like interviewing Henri Matisse’s granddaughter? (13:40)
  • Embracing the value of personal relationships. (15:30)
  • Opportunities that have come to Laurence as a result of her blog connections. (17:05)
  • How Laurence leverages and promotes blog content on social media. (21:17)
  • The difference that one-on-one relationships can make in your business. (23:29)
  • Tools for organizing your connections and contacts. (25:58)
  • A look at Laurence’s typical workday and schedule. (27:57)
  • How to meet people when you move to a new location. (31:32)
  • Simplifying content sharing on social media (32:29)
  • Laurence’s advice for artists who are intimidated about reaching out to form new connections. (34:08)
  • A look at what’s coming up next for Laurence. (36:16)


museum week gallery exhibition Laurence de Valmy | on Art Biz Success
Laurence’s solo show during Museum Week at the Michele Mariaud Gallery in NYC in May 2019.

Laurence de Valmy Quotes

“All I knew was that I didn’t know. And so I had to learn a new job and in order to do so, I started to connect with other artists.”

“I quickly realized that’s how things happen. It’s through the people you know.”

“People work with people that they like.”

“The worst that can happen is that nothing happened. It’s as simple as that.”

“If you are prepared, you will know what to say.”

About My Guest

Laurence de Valmy invites us to reflect on the links between artists through times and the relationship between art and social media today. In her POST paintings, she revisits art history through imagined Instagram feeds of the past. Her recent work explores the place of hashtags in our communication.

Laurence is French American and lives in the U.S. She writes about art on her blog The Curious Frenchy and for art publications.

Follow Laurence on Instagram: @laurencedevalmy

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4 thoughts on “The Art Biz ep. 108: Boldly Reaching Out to Art World Influencers with Laurence de Valmy”

  1. Great podcast Alyson! Thanks for asking all the right questions. This episode is an inspiration to make more connections with others. I live in a rural area and have a solitary lifestyle, so I know I have ‘a lot of room to grow’, shall I say! Thanks for your transparent answers, too, Laurence.

    1. Kristen: I know it’s harder for rural artists, and thank heavens for the internet, right? It all counts!

  2. Great podcast, Alyson. I admire Laurence’s diligence and courage to call people she dense know and let the chips fall where they may. In a roundabout way, listening to this gave me the idea to include printed testimonials that I receive on IG in my live art festival booth last week. It gave visitors to my booth the impression that their appreciation of my work was shared on social media by my followers.

    I really like you artwork, Laurence, and thank you for sharing your ideas with us.

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