Artist as anti-e-age revolutionary

A couple of weeks ago, I wrote about anti-journaling in response to formulaic journaling that’s out there right now. If you missed that newsletter, you can listen to the Art Marketing Action podcast version.

In response to the topic, Sue Clancy wrote:

I just had to respond to your "Gather Your Brilliance" newsletter article. I have deliberately employed the handwritten methods in which to record my thoughts and ideas. I began to do this in the late 1980’s when we, as a society, began to ‘go digital’ in all our communications.  I even learned how to make my own paper and hand bind my own books – all in a direct response to the whole E-World phenomenon. I don’t think I’m the only artist who has done this. Its just that our handwritten things aren’t ‘online’ and so it doesn’t look like the handwritten occurs anymore – but it does! I would also venture to say that artists choose handwriting, or hand drawing on purpose, choosing that method much like they choose acrylic paint in preference to digital photography. I have heard it said that "To make anything by hand in the Digital Age is a revolutionary act" – and I agree. I think there are more of us rebels out there than it would appear.

Here are two digital images of two of my sketchbook pages–done on a recent travel trip. In these are several ideas for paintings.



And yes, I do see the irony of sending you my hand written sketchbook pages digitally!

Sue and I have gone in circles over this subject before. She’s even given up her Web site to back up her revolutionary stance. I still think she’s missing out on numerous opportunities–especially blogging. As an artist and cartoonist, a blog seems to be the perfect fit for someone who enjoys dialogue and interaction.

But Sue–someone who makes a living from her art–is proof that artists can market their work successfully without being online.

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3 thoughts on “Artist as anti-e-age revolutionary”

  1. I like the idea of posting digital images of handwritten/hand-drawn work. If my jewelry design sketches were a bit more impressive-looking, I might think about posting them on my blog…

  2. Although I have been sucked into the digital world, relying on e-mail like I never thought I would, joining several internet lists and starting a blog (oh, let’s not talk about how many blogs I read…), I still find many things about digital communication that is unsatisfying. I can’t cozy up to a computer in bed or outside to read a novel or page through a magazine like I can with a “hardcopy.” E-mail can never replace the delight I feel from a hand written note arriving in my mailbox. Handling that notecard or stationary that the sender also handled, deciphering the individual quirks of the handwriting, thinking of the extra time and care it took to find paper and pen, envelop and stamp…it makes these communications so special…AND savable. Yes, I have a shoebox of memories filled with just such things. Digital media simply isn’t accessible in the same way, nor does it impart the same emotion. Efficiency has its place, but there are some things that simply are not the same, can not be enjoyed the same way, can not be done in the same places as that which can be held in the hand. The sketchbook is an excellent example.

  3. This is an intersting post I can relate to very much.I often enjoy the process type posts for art or writing. In fact, my blog in redesign process, which is why most of my archives are in hiding for now. Sheila’s comment is of particular interest to me. I agree whole-heartedly about that tactile feel.There’s no comparison. I also have “memory boxes!” However, I’m determined to use the free, fast, and effective internet technology as well. I even sold lots of jewelry through one very covert blog post two holiday seasons ago. I featured a post, revealing more art. Up to then, readers had only seen my paintings and photography. This post popped with three photographs of my jewelry designs. (I had wanted to remain anonymous, so I still had not revealed my professional site. Those buyers kept there word and understood why I wanted to remain anonymous in blogland then.) All LOVED the jewelry, wrote me unsolicited testimonials and re-ordered! It was a great boost to my self-esteem and taking risks, for I’d only been in the art biz (vs hobby) for 2 yrs.)

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