Every morning in my morning meditation, I include a moment of gratitude.
I want to remember my blessings and honor the people who have come into my life and the things that make my life easier than most of the world’s population.
I truly believe that we don’t get more yumminess until we appreciate what we already have.
With that in mind … What/Who are you grateful for during this week of Thanksgiving?
Share the love in a comment here.
Know this: I am grateful for your trust. Always.
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37 thoughts on “What Are You Grateful For? (Curious Monday)”
I am grateful to Mckenna Hallett of My Golden Words for giving me the push I needed to build a new website. That one step has led to a biweekly newsletter and blog which have led to other opportunities. I am also grateful to you Alyson for the Creative Content Camp which helped me to find the voice I needed to talk about my art in the newsletter and blog. I never dreamed writing about my art would be so fulfilling!
I am grateful to my father who saw my work in person this year and encouraged me to reach a broader audience. Hence,I sought out Art Biz Coach and from there Content Camp, Breakthrough, and now Inner Circle, all of which are opening new worlds. For example I made a list last night and writing thank you notes to 5 collectors today is my goal. As I am writing them this Curious Monday post came in. Thank you Alyson!
My life has been foundation on gratitude since about 1989. Gratitude for everything, from the earth I walk on, to the people who pack and ship the food I eat, to the food I eat, to the little bugs that climb in the trees, to the people I’m fortunate enough to teach, to learn from, to live with… I could go on. I think you get the point.
There are specific times in the day when I am grateful to specific things. I am even grateful to my body for digesting my food and for releasing what’s left when it’s done with it. It would be hard for me to say, now that I think about it, what I might skip in my gratitude. I am by nature, pretty exacting… Something for which I am also grateful.
And you, and your wonderful work.
What an interesting array of questions. The last two weeks have been difficult for me and I do not imagine it will get better for all the reasons one can imagine. However:
Who has been a big help to me is my family, in particular my husband who though he doesn’t appear to support this adventure in art that I am on, does not get in the way of it and is supportive when the failures and successes happen.
Who has been an inspiration? Wolf Kahn, Degas, Roos Schuring, Julian Merrow-Smith, Sargent, …
What makes my life easier? Trick question. My husband and I just spent the morning shoveling snow. People I love, electricity, running water, heat.
What good happened and who was responsible? There was a story on my local NPR station about a Tibetan man had been verbally attacked by some cranky winners “Go home.” Not once but four times. So discouraging. He was so troubled by the incidents he considered carrying a firearm, then realized that was not the answer. Then a friend of mine, who lives in that city, told me she and her husband went to have dinner at this Tibetan man’s Himalayan restaurant after they had heard this story. When they got there, there was a line out the door waiting to get in. All to support this man, his family and his business. Yes, there are good things happening.
Stay strong.
Diane, love and compassion will always triumph over hate and intolerance, and we need to be the ones to step forward. Our art can help us do that. Not just the finished product but the process as well.
Grateful for this opportunity❗
Grateful tomstill be breathing after the election and to rally creative forces to move forward.
Grateful for inner resources…for love and support, a wonderful partnership in marriage and critical thinking.
Also…to the millions of others with whom to share the challenges???????????? ahead.
I am also grateful for coffee☕ and Alyson’s work and words????❗❗❗
There are so many things that I am grateful for, it is hard to pick just one. I’ve been blessed with the ability to create art, write stories and make music. My health is good. I’m thankful for my wonderful husband, who is SO supportive of both my art and music. There’s more, but I won’t go on. And on. I live in the woods – a great place for walking meditations – and sometimes when I’m out walking with my dogs, my heart becomes so full with gratitude, I shout “thank you” to the sky.
I have so many people to thank for all their help it would be impossible to list them all in this post. I am so grateful for all of the help I get in life and that includes those people who closed a door. So many other doors open as a result. Life is about continually finding gratitude for the big help and the little help along the journey and letting those people know you appreciate them. My daughter cooked dinner for my husband last night and me, and I have told her numerous times how much I appreciate her help.
I am grateful to my husband Steve for many reasons, but supporting my decision to leave a high paying, but very stressful all encompassing job to focus on my life and my art is at the top of the list. I am enjoying some regional recognition via many awards, but am no way considered a successful artist. I do usually manage to cover my own costs, but not always. Steve never complains and is always encouraging of my work. I am very lucky.
There are too many things I am grateful for to list here, but I want to name just one. My husband has been amazingly supportive as I have tried to build my art career. He will talk to anyone and everyone about my art. He actually doesn’t mind going to art events, he helps me out willingly at the occasional festivals I sell at, and does what he can with our limited funds to help my work go forward. And he gives emotional support when things seem to be stalled. Sometimes he believes in my ability and this “calling” more than I do. I could not be more blessed.
Grateful for my friends and family surrounding me these last few weeks with my moms unexpected aggressive cancer and death. For my mom who always supported me in my artistic adventures and encouraged me to pursue my dreams. For my husband who always makes a way for me to explore my abilities and who says we will make a way for me to join the Inner Circle this next year!
We don’t celebrate Thanksgiving over here, but I’m thankful for these anyway:
Who has been a big help? Rachel Z. Cornell, Lisa Robbin Young and many more.
Who has been an inspiration? Allison Crow
What makes your life easier? The healthcare and welfare system in this part of the world
One thing i’m always grateful for is my home and my husband. Many people don’t have a safe and comfortable home to have respite. I do. Many people have never found the love of their life and been married 32 years. I have. I feel incredibly blessed to live the life I do and have two amazing children who are now young adults. My husband also cooks, so I am nourished every day by his loving meals. I also count my blessings in my friends (new and old) who support me along the way of life’s journey. And I’m very thankful to have discovered you dear Alyson and ACSS, as the group, everyone in it, and the lessons, have been a great source of comfort for me in a very trying time in our world. It gives me hope for my future. Thank you!
I am so grateful for the time I have now to do whatever I want to. What a gift!
I am grateful for my husband, Kevin Elaschuk, for many reasons. In addition to always being very supportive of my art career, over the past week he made yummy food with enough for leftovers so I would eat well during the crush of preparations for a huge open studio event.
I am thankful for Yee Chan who is a fantastic Connector. She hooked me up with two studio assistants for my studio event, and an introduction to an art consultant that she knows.
I am thankful for my great studio mates and artist-landlords. Preparing for this biggest studio event ever was easier than many smaller ones I’ve done in the past.
Hi All! What lovely responses!
A big Help: My original art mentor, bff and art guru who pushed me out the the nest – Martha Swanger. Also a big help currently is my art accountability buddy – Carol Till.
What makes my life easier: this is really a “who” – my Husband of 2 years who is a smart businessman, totally supportive, clever about marketing and wonderful in every way.
What good happened: so many things over the course of time but this year I’m especially grateful to Kim Layne of Kim Layne Interiors who got my art first on TV (“Raise the Roof” on DIY Network) and then into the den that she decorated in the Denver Life Magazine show house. From Kim’s show house connections, I had art in two additional rooms. All told I had art on two full pages of Denver Life Magazine which led to an interview with Denver Life Magazine 2 weeks ago. Wow. Also, via “my” gallery, Walker Fine Art, my art is not only sold sold sold but is repeatedly in Luxe Magazine.
I am grateful every single day for these folks and man others.
I’m grateful for a chance to change gears and do something new and the support to conquer the scary parts.
My husband and my closest friends. Tania, Lesley & Lisa are my biggest help.
My inspiration comes from many people, from my husband, my children, my sister & friends Tania, Lesley & Lisa
My husband who supports me makes my life so much easier.
Gallery representation. Wallpaper almost launched. Open studio. Website. I’ve been responsible for all the initiates on these projects with support from Art Biz ACSS family and friends.
I am grateful to have discovered more of my own strengths and abilities. Mentors and colleagues have been very sharing and encouraging, but my career growth and adventures this year have all happened by my saying “Yes!” Instead of “no”, when opportunities knocked, even when I wasn’t certain I was “ready”.
Although there are many things I am grateful for when I think about it, I am most grateful for my creativity and the ability to do my art. Through my art, I present a portion of the beauty in the world that is often un-noticed. I believe that art transcends everything else.
I have three things art related to be grateful for. One, my junior high school library had books in it about the impressionists. Since we’re talking early ’60’s, and a library old even then, the books had only a few color plates, but they did the trick. The second is my parents, who gave me a small oilcolor box when I was 16. Although I only did a few pictures, it certainly made art seem accessible. I kept that box until recently, and still have the first plein air landscape I did in 1964. The third is my wife, who not only gave me a sketchbook for Christmas when I was doing nothing at all, but later attended college as an adult and met the woman who co-operates the coop of which I’m now a member. Takes a village.
I am grateful for my husband Mark who has always supported me to make art! He’s encouraging, helpful about lifting and moving the heavy stuff as well as going so far as being part of an art fair with me to help with the wrapping and packing of things. The set up and tear down. He’s graciously given up most of our 3 car garage to my “shop”. AND he’s made the bucks to keep us floating allowing my income to ebb and flow with out too much stress.
Also, I’m really grateful for you, Alyson! So far, except for the book, I’ve only been able to avail myself of the free posts which you share your abundant knowledge. My growing business is better because of your information, your encouragement and your gifts. Thank you!
Grateful for a dear friend Katrina visiting here on vacation for making me go to see my own work. My confidence level happened to be on the low side (she had no idea). She asked me to take her to the gallery I am represented by. She made positive comments after positive comments of my artwork. We also ran into a fellow artist there and a neighbor of the gallery who made more positive coments. By the end of the day I started to believe in myself again. I am in awe how I received such timely messages! So grateful.
I have an affirmation that I try to always sing to myself when I wake up in the morning –
Early each morning, I say a prayer of gratitude
For all my creativity and all the good I have.
I’m grateful for abundant wealth
I’m grateful for my good health
I grateful for family and friends who I hold dear.
(of course, family includes the furry variety!)
It doesn’t matter if some of these things aren’t entirely “true” by the standards of the outside world, what matters is that I focus on each day, each minute and trust that it will be good. This is especially challenging now. My birthday was Nov. 9. Not the birthday gift I’d hoped for! But friends and my beautiful daughter helped pull me out of my grieving state. Now to seek positive ways to help keep those at risk and the incredible beauty of this country and this planet safe.
Oops … I’m a day late … but I am so grateful for clean and abundant water. I do my best to use it carefully, and to keep it clean, because we all live downstream. <3
Grateful for my Instagram followers, my friends who have supported me from day one, my family and The Jealous Curator & Crista Cloutier.
Abundant Freedom + Good Health + Supportive Family & Friends = My Gratitudes
I am grateful I am healthy because I have options to pursue my true life every day because I am healthy and I am free to visit other countries whenever I want to.
My husband, who is always my greatest supporter, in words and in deeds.
I am grateful for having a supportive husband, my family, friends and people like you who help me to promote my art. Wish everybody a joyful holiday weekend!
Hello Alyson! I first wish to thank you for being an inspiration for all who with an idea and intention, march forward in knowing anything is possible. I’m grateful we crossed paths! I’m also very grateful that my family continues through joy and difficulty, while I remain positive that we can keep each other strong. It’s been a rough year for me personally, yet I’m still grateful to be present, looking forward and pushing to betterment each day. Thank you for allowing us this space for conversation and all that you do!
Happy Thanksgiving everyone…and Thank You, too ????????????
Thank you for the planning templates. The sample gives me a picture of what I need to do, while the blank one allows me to fill in other things I need to accomplish for my business.
I want to thank you, too, for the webinar you did for us this week. Again, it shows me a road map to follow to make better sales.
I am SO grateful that you are there to teach and guide artists through the maze of running a business when we really just want to make art. I have become much more confident in my sales approach since I have taken your courses. I have a lot of work to do to put your program into practice, but I know I can do it one step at a time.
Have a wonderful holiday!
I am so grateful to have just been approved for a grant that pays for the drug injections in my right eye (Macular Degeneration) that will keep my visual acuity good enough to drive and paint! I am grateful for my Retinal Specialist!
I am grateful for all my friends who love me despite my “Invisible Disabilities”, my Assistant who looks after my website, and especially my Dave who is always there for me, helping me and supporting me in whatever I want to do.
Happy Thanksgiving Alyson!
A preface here – I am a THEMESCAPIST who paints in pen and ink… I used to also do acrylics and colored pencil, but pen and acrylic inks is where I make my bed… when I had explained my problem of what art to do to my best friend of years ago, he replied that instead of doing ‘ordinary paintings’ like landscapes, still life, and portraits of whatever species, why not take abstract ideas and visualize them… this lit a lightbulb in my head, and reminded me of what my philosopher mentor had written, namely that while all paintings have themes, most artists rely on their ‘sense of life’ to guide them to what to paint – yet the more universal the theme was, the greater the work, and it meant one ought to be consciously aware of the themes, not just try to figure them out after the fact… so am very grateful for having known these two, and heeding their advice…
secondly, there is a Chinese artist whose pen and ink works are awesome and inspiring in their realism, and am very grateful for having gotten to know his works and learned how to better utilize my skills in my rendering, even as mine come from my head [tho inspired, of course, by reality] and his are from the countryside of China, as well as mine being much larger… plus most of mine now are in color while his are almost all in b/w…
lastly, a Happy Thanksgiving to you, Alyson, for inspiring me to try to seriously sell my works, even as am not proliferate, due to what am working with…
I am grateful to my father who shared his love of art, who regretfully past away when I was 17. I am thankful for my mother, who worked tirelessly to raise us and has always been my biggest cheerleader. I am thankful for my husband of 27 years who has encouraged me to pursue my art at every turn. I am thankful for my three beautiful children who have grown into amazing adults, who will always be my greatest accomplishment. I am most grateful that God has guided me on this amazing journey of life filled with love and art.
Thank you, Alyson, for this Curious Monday question.
I am grateful that I love “happy accidents” in my photography edits
I am grateful that I am learning how to quilt
I am grateful for all that I have learned from you and the Creative Content Camp
I am grateful for a wonderful Thanksgiving dinner with friends and the group photos we took
I am grateful that the snow hasn’t started falling yet where I live
I am grateful for the Internet, Online Learning, good health
I am grateful for my best friend, Suzie, who encourages every step of the way in my artwork
It sound funny, but I am very grateful that there only 3 stores I want to visit on Black Friday
One of them is my favorite thrift store with 75% off on pants (including activewear)
I am grateful for my electronic/digital gadgets
I am grateful to my mother for the work ethic I learned from a very young age
I am very grateful for a working furnace and my home
I am grateful that I found a handiman/landscaper to work on my yard before winter arrives
Even though our recent election was not accepted very well because now I get to practice ACCEPTANCE and I get to support a worth cause to keep the benefits I enjoy. I’ve always voted but I haven’t been so well educated about some issues and I haven’t campaigned the issues and candidates I could have done more of
I am grateful that I still like to learn
I am grateful for Netflix and Amazon Prime movies and TV shows
I am grateful for my creativity, resilience, for everyone who loves me and who I love and for all of those who help me get through my daily life, whether on purpose or by accident.