Planners and Bullet Journals (Curious Monday)

It’s getting to be the time of year when we start looking for new calendars and planners for the New Year.

I am highly reliant on my electronic calendar and task lists, but I’ve never given up paper for the daily to-dos. And I’m constantly refining how I use each piece in the planning process.

Planning for Artists
A guest at Art Biz Breakthrough works on her planning. Photo: Regina Mountjoy.

What Do You Use?

How do you keep track of your schedule, projects and tasks?

What do you have on paper? What’s your preferred method for using paper? Notebooks? Journals? Daytimers? Bullet journals?

What is kept electronically? What programs do you rely on to keep you focused?

Please share in a comment below.

==> DO THIS! When you’re finished commenting here, please hop over to this Facebook post and share a pic of your planner with the top post. <==

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53 thoughts on “Planners and Bullet Journals (Curious Monday)”

  1. I’ve been struggling to find a system I really like. Our family calendar is the wall type with 4 months at a time showing. Works great….as long as the rest of the family remembers to use it. I like it because it’s easily visible. If I have something I need to calendar later in the year than what shows, then I put it on a post-it and put it above the calendar for adding when we get that month on the board. Electronic calendars are not for me. We have periodic power outages, so I try not to depend on electronic devices for schedules/lists, etc.

    Planners – I tried a 6×8 passion planner last year . There are some things I like about it…and things I really don’t. I like the week at a glance format. I like the space for different lists and notes, but I don’t like their labeling system. I don’t need the 1/2 hour at a time schedule. I don’t want their types of lists. I don’t want to re-evaluate my life at the beginning of every month. I want unlabeled spaces. Also, I want spiral bound so I can keep it open on the desk. And I want envelopes for receipts/lists. And I want a band that can keep it closed if I need to. And I want something pretty that I don’t have to decorate myself. [My sister is the art journal queen. I’m not]. Week at a glance with a whole year of monthly pages in one section [not split up between the weeks.] If I can find a good basic, pretty planner, I can put the ‘after-market parts’ on myself. Still searching….

    1. Robin,

      I use a large Moleskine grid-lined, hard cover notebook for my business planning. I can do all the things you want to do – just making it up for me as needed.

      Sometimes the most effective planner is one you design yourself – simply and for your needs.

    2. Cynthia – You’re absolutely right. It is time for me to design my own planner. There are a couple of places online I’ve decided to check out. and I don’t know if I’ll find what I’m looking for, but it’s always good to have options.

    3. I have been using the Franklin Planner-from Franklin Covey and Company -the seven habits version for years. I plan my year/my month/my week/ my day in that-handwrite everything. (Old fashioned-I know) .
      I think I need to go digital-synch Google calender w/ my I phone-one moe step to techonology that I need to take.


  2. Alyson,

    I used google documents for all my papers and digital documentation. I also use google calendars. I like it because it is fully integrated with all my digital systems, even my cameras.

    Alyson, I owe you so much. Since taking your course I am so busy and traveling back and forth between Florida (Sarasota) and California (LA and Frisco). My commercial work is through the roof. My fine art business is improving also as my images are much more interested. You made realize that my commercial work should drive my gallery work and not the other way around as I was tryi g to do and getting frustrated. THANK YOU!!!

  3. I haven’t come up with an art marketing system that I like yet but I’m a big fan of google calendar for the basics. We’ve a different color calendar for my separate personal events (e.g., happy hour with my gals), for hubby’s events (e.g., Toastmasters), for joint events (dinner out with friends), for art calls/marketing stuff that I MUST get done (e.g., “9 am: call art consultant and invite to lunch”) and a fifth color for “possibles” (e.g., that design movie at the Museum, etc).

    This works well for us as we both need to know where the other person is and roughly how long they will be there. This avoids both double booking and that inevitable question “Shall whoever is home make dinner or are we just noshing?” Husband “hides” my art marketing calendar from his calendar because he doesn’t need to see it. I hide his Toastmaster obligations unless they involve being physically gone and therefore possibly impacting me.

    Hope this helps. It is not as complicated as it sounds. And it doesn’t require substantial I.T. skills or I couldn’t do it.

  4. I love keeping a digital calendar. It really helps me avoid being overbooked. And if I put it on the calendar it gets done! I always have it with me on my phone… and it syncs automatically.

  5. Planners:
    1) Commit30 Planner ( – I found this on Kickstarter a few months ago so I’ll be using it for the first time this year. I’m goal-driven so I like the goals and 30-day challenge aspects of the planner.
    2) 2017 Rituals For Living Dreambook + Planner ( I found this system a couple of weeks ago and fell in love with it because of it’s “big picture” planning approach. So I’m going to combine it with the Commit30 Planner.

    1) Google Calendar – I use Google Calendar for every aspect of my life because it sends eMail reminders. I’ve set up multiple calendars so I can keep things organized.
    2) Evernote – I would be lost without Evernote. I use it for everything.
    3) Basecamp – My project management tool for large, complex projects.

  6. I keep all my appointments in my phone calendar, which I love because I can schedule an appointment (doctor, for instance) while I’m out and can see when I’m busy or not. But I have always liked paper for all my to-dos. Since September, I have been trying out a bullet journal. So far, it’s the longest I’ve stuck with anything. I had an old partially filled school-type composition book to experiment with, but I have now bought a “real” journal for the new year. You can make these journals fit what works for you.

  7. I am mostly an analog girl when it comes to planning, but I do use some electronics as well.

    I have been using Passion Planner pages ( for 2 years for art business tasks. I downloaded the free pages, printed them out on 8 1/2 ” x 11″ paper, 3-hole punched them and put them in a 3-ring binder. It lies flat that way. I like the week at a glance format and the to do lists. I love to scratch off items as I complete them. Sometimes I date when I finish the tasks.

    I also have an At-A-Glance 12 month wall calendar. I need to see the big picture all at once so I can figure out how much time I have to complete a task, and so I don’t overbook myself in any given with too many long range projects.

    I keep a studio log in a standard composition book (decorated with hand painted papers)
    I use this to record my art making. I log my hours in the studio (like clocking in and out) and what art making activities I worked on that day. I keep notes on color combinations, techniques I’m experimenting with, and other notes pertinent to art production.

    I have other notebooks that I record ideas in. I try to keep one in my purse or briefcase. I also use a notes app on my iphone.

    I do like hearing what’s working for other artists. Looking forward to seeing more comments. I am enjoying Curious Mondays, Alyson.

    1. I use composition books, too, in the studio. I have one for creation notes as I’m working, to record colors, etc. I have another for a formal inventory log: When I start a piece, it gets an inventory number. When I finish it gets a designation like ‘study’, ‘experiment’, ‘for sale’, etc. with other details. It’s a very successful system for me.

  8. For the last four or five years I have just used Google Calendar for my appointments (because I lost my little black book one too many times!!!)- great because I can access on either computer or phone, and my husband and I have a family calendar on there that we share, too. But I’ve had all these little scraps of paper with random lists floating around and cluttering things up. So this summer I finally bought again a paper planner and it has really helped me keep track of all my lists. Since it was the first time in years I just bought the $10 target version of Day Designer, but I am currently shopping around for one with more space for monthly planning (I have been using Alyson’s checkbox monthly goal system for the last 10 months, but just on letter paper on a clipboard). I looked last year and said “$60 for a planner???” but this year I’m thinking it might just be worth it. The problem is it’s hard to know if the layout works for you until you try it.

  9. Great question Alyson, as usual! I like to do most things long hand in bullet points. With a coil book to list what I’m planning to do the next day and a printed calendar of the next three months for to-do tasks. I handwrite the various deadlines using different colors of ink or highlighters to indicate priority, add things as they come up and put the calendar in a highly visible location so that I am constantly reminded. Plus I enter the tasks on my electronic calendar so I get an additional reminder each morning when I hop on my laptop. I have discovered that repeated reminders, from various sources, helps to apply just the right amount of pressure to keep me on track.

    I rely on an excel spreadsheet to record my work (name, medium, size, type of finish, date completed) and another excel spreadsheet to record sales (buyer’s name, gallery or private sale, retail price, commission amount).

    There is an added bonus to the hand-written calendars, I go through them at the end of the year. At a glance I can see if I reached my goals, hit my targets and follow up with the right people. The paper calendar also shows me what I wanted to do but ended up not completing. I can determine why something didn’t happen and use that knowledge when preparing for the upcoming year.

  10. I used a Franklin Planner for years – never as meticulously as in the guides, but I liked the paper and size. When computers began to take over the world, I tried the computer version. But it was frustrating (and expensive!) to keep up with changing operating systems and updating computers and programs. I like the scheduling, list functions, and date reminders in computer systems, but I miss the paper versions for writing and sketching. I tried Evernote which uses an electronic pen that records words/drawings, but I didn’t like using the ballpoint pen and special paper for everything.

    There is no perfect system. I have a computer and a tablet – each has benefits and drawbacks. Right now, Google keeps my calendar coordinated among my devices for both work and home. For work, I need MS Office for work and it is easier for typing. For nonwork, the tablet is ok, but I don’t like drawing on it as much as on paper, and I don’t like typing on it.

  11. Typically I use the Outlook schedule that came with my computer. (It was part of the Microsoft package.) Usually a bullet point type description is enough, but when more is needed there is space for a lot of elaboration. On occasion I have referenced another document. Other documents include notes on Word or an inventory and expense accounting on Excel (all part of the same package).

    The fact is, I usually don’t really need to have these schedule items, but I figure better safe than sorry.

    1. Additionally, there is one caveat I would like to share. If you only use digital media, back up the data regularly.

  12. My niece showed me her gorgeous bullet journal over the holiday weekend and I am inclined to switch from my electronic calendar to the bullet journal. I have tried to switch from my electronic calendar without success in the past. I am having some trouble getting off my computer though so I am thinking the switch will help me.

  13. I moved off the computer to a bullet journal. The best thing I ever did. Now everything flows and I’m free from the screen. I take it everywhere with me and it works better than anything else as I design it specifically for me. Its fluid and it can be redesigned for every need I have and for any direction my life and work takes me. Its the head quarters for everything. I get more done with the bullet journal than anything else I’ve used.

  14. Oh dear. After trying all sorts of clever tricks, (computer, sticky notes, cute journals) I’m back to a small yellow tablet, taking notes as I go through my day. The yellow color makes them easy to find, and they’re inexpensive so I can clean up my lists as they need it. As long as I go through them daily, it’s a system that works well for me.

  15. I use Evernote quite a lot and it’s helpful in collecting ideas. I keep a master schedule in Google Calendars and a notebook for daily to do and journaling. I’ve begun to use Hemingway Editor to help clean up my prose.

  16. i use the ipads calendar, reminder app and to doist (except it keeps crashing) i also have about five notebooks just dedicated to keeping me organized. I do morning pages which usually creates a to do list. A list of what i did isn’t in the day (and what i didn’t get done) and a diary notebook that i try and prioritize my to do lists. Along with a random notebook of messy notes.

    It’s really heavy if you put all that in your handbag at once!

  17. Nothing on paper for me. I use Outlook 2016 on my computer and it synchronizes with my smartphone. So, if I’m on the go, I can still access my agenda. Perfect for appointments, tasks and contacts. When I have a long-term goal, as an exhibition with many new paintings to prepare, I use a schedule in the form of a Gantt diagram prepared with Excel.

  18. I have yet to find the perfect system. I use Google calendar to keep track of my appointments — I can access it on my phone which has been really useful. For other stuff I have been using a PlannerPad ( but would like more flexibility. I love that it has space in front of the monthly overview so I can record my sales categories and keep track of things. But I find that I’d like more space to write out project ideas and steps… so I’m still looking. But in the meantime, Google calendar has saved me from double-booking many a time, so that’s a gift.

  19. I’m a Bullet Journal fan. I like that I can modify the “design” as I go, be as creative as I want or just as simple (my favorite!). Since my husband needs to know my schedule, we also use the Calendar app on our Macs. For a long time, we used Google calendars, but had trouble syncing them. The Apple calendar works fine for us.

  20. I guess I’m an Excel person, whether on my laptop or using a google sheet. For my art calendar I make a single page in google sheets, including teaching days, due dates for entering shows, dates for delivering paintings, plein air festivals, etc. I can see and edit it on my laptop, iPad, and phone and I’ve shared it with my family and several artist friends. Since these tasks and events often mean I’m out of town, it helps everyone know where I am. The calendar has a columns for date, event, and location; and when each is completed, I color the box for that entry green, things upcoming have no box color. For my revenue and expenses, I use an Excel spreadsheet, with one tab for paintings sold, one for teaching revenue, one for expenses, one for miles, and one for reimbursements. For all revenue events, I add what I’m being paid in black, and once it’s owed (such as for teaching a class) I color it red, and when the check arrives, I color it green. For projects, such as this year’s holiday events and tasks, including special sales, holiday cards, and a student party; I make a simple project plan in excel, with tasks grouped into categories over several columns, and a date column entry for each task. Once again, when the task is complete, I color the box green; and when all tasks for that part of the project are complete, I color the category green.

  21. I keep nothing on paper.
    On my Mac for years I’ve used a program called Daylite to manage my contact list, ticklers, schedules, etc. etc. ( It links into my google calendars which are synced with hubby so we don’t double book. It also links into my AppleMail program to keep all the emails with a particular contact in one place. All this info is shared onto my ipad & iphone so I can work anywhere. For an easy To-Do list I use a simple program online which is also active on my mobil devices. ( I love the way I can just put a line through the action item like I would on paper. It feels good to see all I’ve done by the end of the day plus it rolls over to the next day when I haven’t gone to the post office.

    I store ideas in Evernote since I’ve moved over from using the Notes program built into the Mac. I find it to be more robust.

  22. I keep a calendar of time-based appointments on Google for two reasons: 1) I get a reminder on my phone & 2)My husband can access it.

    Other than that I definitely prefer pen and paper. I normally use the Classic (half sheet size) planner with a zip case so I can stuff it full of other pieces of paper. I put my appointments and time/day priorities on the calendar and my to-do list goes on a small legal pad. I add and cross off all week and then move over incompletes to a new sheet on Sunday or Monday.

    I used the same system the past year or two except I had a full teaching schedule so I had to go to the full size calendar to have enough room to write in the squares. The pro to the full size is I could hole-punch other stuff and add to it. The con is that it is so much bigger on my desk or carrying around. That’s why I’ve converted back to the half-size recently.

  23. I work part time for a homewares firm which uses a commercial calendar to show marketing, sales and special events. The calendar is divided into the quarters of the year, the months and the weeks, going across the page in columns.
    I’m adapting the calendar to work for me, putting in the dates of my open studios, and upcoming shows, along with school holidays, the dates of major exhibitions, and the submission dates for competitions. It means I can see at a glance what’s going on throughout the year. I imagine it will also work as a content calendar.

    For my regularly scheduled and social activities I share iCal calendars with my partner.

    Day to day I write up to do lists, but I’ve also started using Asana to make sure I keep on track with tasks for projects. I tend to take on too many things – using the calendars is helping me to see that I’ve got to finish projects before taking on something new.

  24. I am all Mac- iMac, iPhone, iPad. No paper, other than the infrequent paper note stuck up to remind me of one specific thing. I use iCal for my calendar. I use the app Wunderlist for an all encompassing to do list, by day. Both personal and art related, combined. I use the app Carrot for very specific art making to dos. The step by step processes involved in my art making, piece by piece. To dos on the Carrot app are referred to in a more general way in my Wunderlist to do lists.

  25. After years of google calendar and various apps connected to it, I have settled on the apple calendar. Like google it syncs across devices but I can also access it offline – helpful since I have no wifi in my studio. I use lots of color coding and reminders with it – can also access family members calendars when needed. Works great for me. Tasks are a different issue. I have tried multiple apps – thus far Anydo has been my favorite, but I just forget about them too easily. A few months ago I heard of the Bullet Journal and my efficiency went way up. Handwriting makes a difference. It can be structured the way I want and is completely adaptable as new projects arise. Love that I can keep thoughts and notes in it as well, and have a way to find them again. A couple months is not a conclusive test – but thus far I’m doing better with it than any other system.

  26. Love the “GET TO WORK BOOK” for daily/monthly/yearly planning and journaling – created by Elise Blaha Cripe in San Diego. Handwritten. Thoughtfully designed and enjoyable to use.

  27. Hi Alyson,

    What a great question for getting some new ideas!

    On paper I use a suggestion from Eric Maisel in his book, COACHING THE ARTIST WITHIN. I do a Creative To Do list every day to plan the stuff I want to do that correlates with my media action plan and my studio time. The media action plan is just a paper checklist done in Word that lists all the media I post on and WHEN I want to post. I’ve included Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram, my web page, Tumblr, Flickr, and my blog…and then also included my own email list for notices. I rely on my blog posts to populate Tumblr, Twitter, and Instagram (too much media to keep up with otherwise).

    Electronically, I have an Excel file that I created that has links to different pages with lists of projects and updates where I write about each thing (mostly to encourage myself or to remind myself of what I’m thinking about). I also created a database in Access (all these are Microsoft) that lists each piece I have created: the date, the media, size, price, whether it’s been in a show, a thumbnail image, etc.

    I know there are some great OTC programs out there, but I like doing my own so that I can customize the categories and stuff.

    1. Hi Rebecca,

      I’d love to know how you “rely on your blog posts to populate Tumblr, Twitter and Instagram.” I know how to do this with Facebook, though I don’t use it, because I like to choose the words and pictures.

  28. One calendar, with enough space to write in.
    One yellow lined daybook to record ideas, sketches and notes as I converse, research and plan.

    Then it’s all together and I don’t have to have a) my device turned on, b) in mobile range.
    It’s immediate, and easy to flip back to for those times I can’t remember exactly when, and it’s strongly visual for this visual artist.

    Thanks for asking.

  29. I mostly do this on paper. My main info goes on my latest published calendar (shameless plug), but I also keep a long roll of paper near where I paint, and I break down the year’s major events there.

    (I sporadically use my Google calendar, but I want to see as much info as possible all at once, so digital – particularly via my phone – is all but useless in that regard.)

  30. For many years I used the Sacred Journey Journal by Cheryl Thiele. It’s a lovely calendar/journal that has won numerous awards from the Calendar Marketing Association. For someone looking for a calendar and much more… a sort of yearly spiritual workbook, I think this is simply the best one out there.

    In January of this year, I decided to just get a simple monthly planner (I like to see the whole month at one time). It’s pretty and small enough to fit in my purse. I attach an elastic pencil strap to the edge (you can get these from the Container Store…fabulous!).

    Also last January when I decided to get serious about selling my art, I started a Monthly/Weekly Goals and Tasks list. It’s color coded to match my 4 mission statements so I can see at a glance if I am neglecting one of my mission areas. The page is my own design. I always insert a small image of one of my art works at the top of the page. It has worked very well to keep me on track. I keep each page in a binder that’s divided by months. It’s super easy to look back at each month and see what I did when ( or what I didn’t do and keep putting off). Also looking at back at what I’ve accomplished this year is encouraging.

    In August after taking one of your free webinars, I modified my design to include the little check boxes you use. This was a great a modification as I can see very easily what I did or did not do. Thanks…yet again, Alyson!

  31. I have had excellent results organizing goals with action steps in Mindomo, and scheduling with Google calendar and capturing ideas with Google Keep

  32. Thank you Alyson for this question. I have never heard of Bullet Journals and since looking at the system today and reading all the positive comments, I think it will work for me. 🙂 It is the perfect time to trial a new system, the whole of december and then if it works a good habit already established for the new year.

  33. Thank you Alyson, this is a great question. I use Bullet Journal for notes and lists, Artwork Archive for Inventory and in the future contacts as well. Calendars are now on Google and Bullet Journal but I’m not quite happy with it.

  34. My paper planning tools are:
    – Large hand-drawn yearly calendar on my wall with post-its for events and projects
    – Intention journal – blank journal where I list what I want to accomplish, how, project breakdown by month & week, and most importantly: weekly and monthly reflections on what went right, and what to improve

    My digital arsenal includes:
    – Trello project management
    – Google Calendar
    – Google Docs & Sheets
    All my nitty gritty planning happens in the cloud.

  35. I’m a Mac person, so I use the Apple calendar, which syncs with my phone, and is available when I don’t have wifi, which is often, since I travel a lot. I color code for different things. To capture random notes, make to do lists, keep things I need handy I use Notes. I use Evernote the way I’d use an actual filing cabinet, for everything, and it’s helping me get to an almost paperless life, as long as I keep up with scanning. I keep notes and research for my blog posts there, but write them in MacJournal, since I’m used to writing there. It’s interesting how our creative juices respond to things, even apps.

    I like mind maps, but wanted to find the simplest version, like the kind I might do with pencil and paper. The best I’ve found for this is Simple Mind. I use the free version, which is great for me, but assume there are more bells and whistles with the paid one.

  36. I tend to follow the Getting Things Done method, with my own tweaks of course, and this is what it ends up looking like:

    DIGITAL: As things come up, I enter them into the calendar on my iPhone or Mac, or into OmniFocus using my iPhone or Mac if it is a task or project-related issue. I prefer this method, as I am almost always within reach of my phone or computer, and the phone and the computer sync to each other, which makes both my calendar and my task management always current. I also like OmniFocus, because I can forward emails to it, so that emails that have a “to do” function are immediately available from within the software and my inbox can be kept to nearly zero. Every Friday afternoon, I do a weekly review of OmniFocus and get clear for the next week.

    PAPER: As much as I love the digital piece–and it really is super convenient for me–I still like seeing my week on paper. I have a handy, portable binder filled with the dated version of Planner Pads. I prefer Planner Pads, as the format allows me to see the main projects I have going for the week (pulled from OmniFocus) and the corresponding tasks that need to be worked on that week (and the ones to think about for next week). The format also shows my appointments for the week, and then there is a handy section where the daily to-do’s can be planned out. After I go through my weekly review in OmniFocus, I plan out the upcoming week on the Planner Pad pages. Every evening, at some point between leaving work and going to bed, I open up my binder, see what tomorrow looks like, and write my next day’s appointments and to do’s on a 3×5 index card that I can simply carry with me in my wallet, easily accessible, no matter what the situation.

    This system might sound complicated, but on the contrary, it has really simplified my life. I have tried several different methods, and this is the one that has kept me on track the best thus far. Since information is entered into the calendar and OmniFocus throughout the week, the weekly review of Omni Focus only takes me about 20-30 minutes, along with another 10-15 minutes to fill out my Planner Pad pages. Consequently, I spend maybe two minutes each night to plan the next day. As much as I have wanted to be completely digital, I finally gave in to my need to see my whole week in front of me on paper!

  37. Marrianna Dougherty

    I use both digital and analog. I like to see my month at a glance and often use the week spread to track what I did on any given day. I usually have small notebooks all over my home and use them often for various things. Right now, I have a thin one that I use to record when I take what meds for pain/muscle relaxer. The monthly view includes my appointments. I also use the calendar on my iPhone which migrates to my MacBook Pro and my iPad. I purchased a huge spiral bound iBloom 2017 Life & Business Planner and will be trying that out in 2017. I also plan to track my spending in this journal.

    I have an large bound planner designed by Nicole Miller via Blue Sky online. For the last half of 2016, I’ve been using the large planner. I wanted something smaller that is easer to carry in my purse, so I ordered one of her smaller designs for 2017.

    I’ve read most of the replies to this Curious Monday question, and as a result, checked into some of the other systems people use. I have Evernote and may try to use it for journaling. I looked at the MacJournal app but the free trial version didn’t download as planned. Maybe I’ll look into it again later this year.

    Confession time: I’m a magpie and love the next new and shiny thing. Therefore, I keep trying what I think looks good, catches my eye, and would work, possibly. I ordered a Leuchtturm1917 Medium Size journal with an orange cover. I had one of these several years ago and loved it. The pages are very smooth for writing. I might try to “bullet journal” in it. Or not.

    I’m going to take time in December to look at what I want to accomplish in 2017 in various areas of my life including spirituality, family/personal relationships, volunteer service, professional photography, business growth, and quilting.

    Now it’s time to go over to our Facebook page and post photos of my stash.

  38. I use a bullet journal. I started using this system over the summer, and it has changed my life. It is customized, keeps everything in one place, and is analog (and thus portable). If you would like to learn more about it, her is a fabulous link to the website:

  39. Thanks everyone, some terrific ideas that I’ve read so far.

    I’ve used a paper diary for the past couple of years the “Passion Planner” which I love however, my husband likes to send me online meeting invites and appointments so I often miss writing things in the diary that I’ve accepted online.

    About 2 months ago I started using “Pocket Informant” ( an App which is a diary and to-do list in one. It syncs with iCal and my Reminders and I can access on my Computer, iPhone and iPad which is handy. I still like writing it down and am torn between the two, but it is the best App I’ve found so far.

  40. I use the happy planner for a productivity journal and hard calendar. I alsontrack my challenges in it. For those that don’t know, productivity is similar to bullet journal but it has been proven to increase productivity and focus. At the end of each day, you jot down what was done that day. It doesn’t have to be super descriptive. Then you pick 3 top priorities for tomorrow and write those down. Its not supposed to be a huge to do list, just top 3 for the day. I find it really works.

    The happy planner has a special binding system that has the benefit of a spiral and a binder. I add cards, notes, and all kinds of things that don’t have a home. Even random drawings. In the end, I end up with an artjounal/ephemera keeper/and bullet journal of the year.

    I keep up the calendar in the journal but also do google calendar for appointments and deadlines that need reminders.

    Aside from those, I use tablets for color theory logs, kiln logs and art journals.

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