Book goal met

Because I’ve been receiving such enormous support for my June 1 book deadline, I thought I should update you: Goal met! In fact, I met it yesterday.

Not that the book is completed, but I know what it REALLY is. It will be a lot of tweaking and refining, but I’m so close. Here’s what I have so far . . .

Working title: I’d Rather Be in the Studio!

Subtitle: How to Stop Making Excuses and Start Cultivating Collectors for Your Art

Word count: Almost 61,000 right now

Pages: 139 single spaced

Excuses (sections are titled after excuses I hear from artists all of the time–in addition to "I’d rather be in the studio!"):

  • There aren’t enough hours in the day to do it all.
  • My art speaks for itself.
  • I have no idea where to begin.
  • I don’t want to bother people.
  • I just don’t live in an "art town."
  • I’m an introvert.
  • I’m not rich.

I posted earlier the 5 principles for no-excuses art marketing that guide my writings and teaching.

As I said, I’ll still be working on the book, but I’m going to start cooking real meals again and getting back into the garden. Heck, I might even get crazy and clean out my inbox.

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17 thoughts on “Book goal met”

  1. OMG! I’ll be first in line for this when it comes out. It sounds great, and boy do I need it! Congrats on meeting your goal.

  2. Congratulations! Everything goes so much more quickly and smoothly when the vision is clear! I think—Five Principles for No-Excuse Art Marketing would also be a great title! I’ll be buying copies, for sure!

  3. YES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I knew you could do it. Here’s to your commitment, your perseverence, your passion for your subject, your devotion to helping artists, your zest, your sense of humor and your willingness to keep going even when the path wasn’t clear. All of that, all of you showing up like that, makes for great modeling for the rest of us. I’m so proud of you and excited about your book. I can’t wait to buy it, to sell it to others and to spread the word about this much-needed resource! And now for my coachy question: How will you celebrate?

  4. Alyson B. Stanfield

    Cynthia: I would expect no less than a coachy question from my coach. I already celebrated. I took last night off and finished the book I’m reading for “pleasure”–Absurdistan. Has anyone read this book? It was, quite, absurd, which is the reason for the quotes around the word pleasure. Glad to start another one. Kerstin, Cathy, and Lee: Thanks so much! Looks like I’ve sold three books already!

  5. Alyson, congratulations! I’m looking forward to the book. I know it will be just what I need as a follow up to the Self Promotion class. Yet……my ‘to-do’ list from that class continues to grow as I scratch off the completed items! When will be book be available for sale?

  6. Victoria on Okinawa

    Wonderful!!! So happy for you in acheiving your goal!!! I am looking forward to purchasing this book, hopefully it will be out soon? I’m assuming you have other goals now to get it out there? Great job. CnJvjc

  7. Alyson, congratulation on meeting your goal, and a day early. Great to have the whole weekend to breathe and indulge in digging, planting, and cooking. It will be great to have a book to send people to. Will you hold a virtual book release party when it is published?

  8. Congratulations Alyson! Not sure about the title but the content sounds wondeful… I will definately buy a copy when it comes out and mention it on my art forum for you.

  9. Alyson B. Stanfield

    This support is amazing! Carla: There will definitely be a book release party. Maybe even a book blog tour. Jean: I’m aiming for the end of the year. Lauren: What don’t you like about the title? Anyone else have thoughts about the title?

  10. I like the name – I’ve said that many times (probably a few too many but really – I would – although the promotion is growing on me). I think the name is a nice wakeup call as we all can probably recognize our various excuses in the title and chapter headings. Congrats on meeting your deadline. Also – I really like that you are now responding to comments on your blog personally. Very nice.

  11. Alyson B. Stanfield

    Lisa: Thanks. I’m glad you like the name! And I’m enjoying commenting. Oh, I guess I could do this all day, but much to do. The new class blogs are way cool.

  12. New Work and Inspiration

    Being Exceptional

    I havent done much artwork lately as Ive been busy with end of the year activities for my kids. This year in addition to performances, graduations, parties, etc I also volunteered to make a quilt for my daughters teacher. As you…

  13. Wow, that’s quite an achievement – well done! I look forward to reading the book when it comes out. Oh, btw, I thought you might be interested in my new project – I’ve been taking your advice to heart and I’m currently concentrating on promoting it both on and offline. I did a mind map and a plan just for promotion, which was really helpful in identifying ways to get the word out there. Still, it’s amazing how hard it is to get over that feeling that I shouldn’t ‘blow my own trumpet’. I think that’s a really tough one for artists, do you find it’s a problem for you too? Oh, and I love the podcast btw.

  14. Oh, and count me in as another one who loves the title – I’ve heard so many artists, myself included, announce that when dealing with things like promotion, press and writing blurb.

  15. Alyson B. Stanfield

    Kirsty, thanks for stopping in. I’ll definitely check out The Diary Project. And, I’m glad you like the title.

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