Get busy with your art marketing

A terrific quote taken from today’s issue of 365 Days of Coaching:

Inaction breeds doubt and fear.
Action breeds confidence and courage.
If you want to conquer fear, do not sit home and think about it.
Go out and get busy.

–Dale Carnegie

(Consider taking art marketing action and joining the lazy summer Promote Your Art class, which begins on June 13.)

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2 thoughts on “Get busy with your art marketing”

  1. Alyson, It is quite ironic that the newsletter came and you were talking about the natural order of things. I also suffered the loss of my golden retriever over the weekend, so there won’t be too much creative work done this week, but reading the blog reminds me that I can return to my art marketing soon, and I know that I will. If you feel the need to read from one who is also ex- periencing a loss of a pet, please go to my blog at and also see where I have been going with my recent works. I have linked you in my web- site and would appreciate a mention of my blog if you talk again about artists’ blogs in the newsletters. I credit you with the starting baby steps that have gotten me to this point in my career.

  2. Alyson B. Stanfield

    Kandy: I hope you consider acupuncture to help with your healing. It’s the only thing that drew me out of a deep depression after my cat’s death last year. (I didn’t want to consider drugs.) Pets are amazing for the life-long joy they bring us. Think of all the art inspired by them!

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