Deep Thought Thursday: Dream art vacations

In the spirit of summer vacations . . .

If money, time, and access were not issues, what 5 works of art would you want to be sure you see before you pass this earth?

These can be paintings, sculpture, architecture, contemporary, ancient, and you could even go back in time and place yourself at a performance.

Oh, boy. You might have to think about this one awhile.

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15 thoughts on “Deep Thought Thursday: Dream art vacations”

  1. Allison J Smith

    Ancient would definately be the category. My first choice is Mesopotamia (Iraq). Since that is a little dangerous right now, I’ll have to go with Egypt as my second choice. Of course, if we’re talking what I think I can afford, it would be Chaco Canyon in New Mexico. By the way, I have a list of places to visit when money and time come together in my favor, this is just the highlights! It’s one of the items in my 10 year goals that hasen’t been planned out completely, yet.

  2. Michael Lynn Adams

    My grandfather was an art student at the Ecole des Beaux-arts in Paris during the early 1920s. I would love to go back to that time and place to experience life as an American art student in Paris. Going to the Beaux-arts Ball and hanging out at the cafes with Granpa, Picasso, Modigliani, Matisse, Hemingway, Henry Miller, the Gershwin brothers and all the rest. Ahh, to dream.

  3. Well as long as time-travel is allowed, I’d really like to meet and talk to Rockwell Kent who I believe is hands down the best American printmaker. I’d add Edward Hopper as well, but his reputation for crankiness and silence makes me think I’d do better with the garrulous Kent.

  4. Artworks: Anything by Max Ernst, Frida Kahlo, Kandinsky, Dali, and Leonora Carrington. Time and place: Paris in the 1920-30s. The early Surrealists have always fascinated and inspired me. And since it would be my dream vacation, there would be no war(s).

  5. Peggi Habets Studio

    I’d love to get back to Paris and wander around the streets where Toulouse-Lautrec, Degas, etc. haunted, go back to the Moulin Rouge, Monmarte (The first time I went I was working as a graphic designer and my interests were different.) I’d love to sit in JSSargent’s old studio. For artwork, any Carravaggio, any Sargent painting but especially Madame X, Jeremy Lipking’s current exhibition. I would wisk off to China to meet Guan Wexing and watch him paint watercolor portraits. So, when can we go?

  6. Smithson’s Spiral Jetty Original performance of Euripedes Medea Chihuly’s Venetian installation (2nd choice, Jerusalem) Any large scale performance of any work by Robert Wilson Guernica in Spain (saw it at MOMA)

  7. Willendorf when the Goddess was created; Caves of Lascaux when they were being created; any of the aboriginal art in Australia when they were being created; any of the Native American petroglyphs when they were being created; Mayan temples when they were being created….all so that I’d know *why* instead of reading endless theories.

  8. Philip — from your list I suggest that someday you put Xijitla Mexico on your travel list, its in the Huasteca region of Mexico (NE) near Victoria and has a surrealist sculpture park built by Edward James, collector, and sculptor, and surrealist patron in the 19540s, 50s, 60s. Amazing place. He hosted many of the surrealists of the day.

  9. Alyson B. Stanfield

    Wow! You have all really thought about this. I am really interested in specific artworks. What makes them stand out in your memory? I think, Susie, that you meant to address your Surrealist comment to Burnell. It’s kind of confusing since the commenter’s name is below each post.

  10. I would definatley like a tour of the 7 wonders of the ancient world, especially the hanging gardens of babylon. It would also be interesting to see Pergamom or Alexandria when their libraries were in full swing, but that would have to be with the Tardis or something so that I could actually read thw works without translation. In the here and now I would love to see Albert Paley’s gates at the St Louis Zoo. He is my metalsmith idol and I got to hear him speak and meet him, so I’m lucky that way. But his works make metal look like the wind is moving through them like fabric. he is truly amazing.

  11. A dream ‘art vacation’ would be in Santa Fe, New Mexico, with a gallery opening of the Impressionists who had just returned from Taos with their latest works. And they would meet Georgia O’Keeffe in the cocktail lounge of La Fonda.

  12. This is a post from Orbisplanis (not Wendy Edsall-Kerwin) A dream ‘art vacation’ would be in Santa Fe, New Mexico, with a gallery opening of the Impressionists who had just returned from Taos with their latest works. And they would meet Georgia O’Keeffe in the cocktail lounge of La Fonda.

  13. I had Donald Judd-land, Marfa, Texas on my wish list for a long time, and finally got to go there in 2007. It was incredible – the true value of the “art trip” was even more than I could have imagined. I hope to check of Easter Island one day…

  14. 1. Rothko Chapel, Houston 2. Matisse’s The Dance, Hermitage, St Petersburg, Russia 3. Nan Goldin’s Ballad of Sexual Dependency, a bar in the Bowery, early 1980s 4. La Casa Azul dinner party, Coyoacán, Mexico City, late 1930s (this, admittedly, is less about an individual work of art and more about a lifestyle and being surrounded by other passionate, creative people) 5. Womanhouse, Hollywood, CA, 1972 Of course, the real dream art vacation would be some sort of art sabbatical for myself! It was amazing to me how quickly I came up with this list. I better press “post” before I overthink it!

  15. The notebooks of Leonardo Da Vinci The Sistine chapel Ceiling The Pieta Walk on the Cliffs of Pourville The Pyramids ….sigh

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