IRBITS = my book, I’d Rather Be in the Studio: The Artist’s No-Excuse Guide to Self-Promotion
I think of IRBITS as a reference book, but some people read it cover to cover and never look at it again. I’d like for that to change. There is plenty of face-saving information between the covers that you shouldn’t miss.

Here are four to review right away (all page numbers are from 2011 edition).
1. General Guidelines for Writing Your Artist Statement
Pages 41-42. They’re just guidelines, but should give you some structure when you sit down to write your artist statement.
Pay close attention to: “Stick to the current direction of your work.”
2. My Rules for Artists’ Marketing Materials
Pages 79-80
Really let this section sink in!
Pay close attention to these rules: “Nothing upstages the art” and “Get a second set of eyes (besides your mother’s).”
3. Tips for Managing Social Media
Pages 136-37
Pay close attention to: “Complete your profile” and “Monitor your time.”
4. Email Newsletter Checklist
Pages 155-56
Pay close attention to: Everything!
Every one of these reminders was included because I’ve witnessed artists making these mistakes. Adapt my list from these pages to make your own checklist. Review your list with each email blast you send.
What’s your favorite section in IRBITS to review? Or what have you found most helpful?
3 thoughts on “Quick! 4 Lists to Review in IRBITS”
Hey, I’m sure that’s my copy of the book! 🙂 Except mine has corners folded on the bottom too. (prioritising – top is things to do, bottom is things to do NOW and on this week’s task list)
I usually review in IRBITS whatever it is we are working on in the Artists Conspiracy. I also sometimes review things that are, for some reason, foremost in my thoughts. Occasionally, I just flip the book open and let serendipity direct my reading. It’s a fabulous reference!
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