More Thoughts on a Book Club for Artists

1. The book club will be reading the same book and "meeting" through an online discussion group and phone discussion. One call? Two calls? I think it will depend on the title.

2. It will all be art-related: biographies, creativity, art biz, art history.

3. It will have a small fee attached to it. The fee is based "per book." My goal is one book per month, so it’s a swift-moving book club. Readers only need apply.

4. I will try to set it up with someone to get book discounts.

5. I will have to limit it to a certain number–especially if we do phone calls.

6. How to ensure participation? Particularly since I need to limit the number. People will join to have interaction with others. Everyone must pull his or her weight.

7. I’ll never please everyone, so I’ve got to please myself. Seriously,
I realize when I ask for comments that I’m just asking for IT. I opened
the floodgates. Got lots of good responses and I’ll put together what I
think will work best for most.

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8 thoughts on “More Thoughts on a Book Club for Artists”

  1. Although it might be one-book-per-month, presumably there would have to be a medium term “forward schedule” of books to allow time for people to order books in. I buy several artbooks a week – usually shipping from the US to Australia (variously from amazon, alibris and powells), and it takes typically 2 to 8 weeks for books to arrive (sometimes up to 12 weeks).

  2. Jeanne Guerin-Daley

    I think a book club is a great idea. A long time ago I learned that having a goal of just reading “ten pages a day” was a good thing. Some tired nights it can be challenging, but “it’s only ten pages!” makes you do it! Then there are days where you have energy and the book is good and you read many more than ten! The important thing is that it started a habit that allowed me to read many books that I would not have otherwise read. I lean toward self-imporovement type books, so it created a huge personal growth spurt in my development at the time. Sounds like a book club would be a good gentle nudge to make sure I do my nightly reading! (Besides, I could show my daughter that I can do it too!) My fifteen-year-old goes to a book club meeting monthly at the local library! I’m so proud of her–and proud of me–that I instilled a love of reading in her when she was little! I wouldn’t want the reading schedule to be too brutal–while we all deal with this “find time for art problem”– but if it’s not too tough, I would love to do it…maybe start easy–FIVE pages a day! ANYONE can read FIVE pages a day, don’t you think? Hey, I even have a book suggestion! I started reading “The Artist’s Way” – it’s sort of a class in book form for artists…the kind of book that you must read a chapter and then do things to act on what you’ve learned! I started and somehow got away from it and never finished! (It’s on my “To-do-someday list!) By the way, two more things: 1- Alyson, certainly feel free to post a piece of my art if/when you feel the inclination! I’d be honored if you chose to portray one of my pieces! 2- Thank you for the ‘Return to the Studio” article! Boy, did I need to hear that! You are so right! Whenever I’m feeling irritable or not happy, you can bet I haven’t had a paintbrush in my hand lately! It really is true that an artist NEEDS to make time for art in order to be happy! I know I do! -Best, and thanks for all your words! –Jeanne Guerin-Daley

  3. Alyson, what about videos and film? Lately, I have not been reading books, but rather getting documentaries and so forth from NetFlix. I have seen some amazing things that have made a difference in how I work and what I think about art and process. I am not sure NetFlix could support many of us wanting the same video at the same time; we might have to buy them, if they are even available.

  4. Alyson, I love the idea of the book club. Depending on the fee and other administrative details, I might want to join, and in any case, I’d love to see a list of the books you plan on reading so I can read them too, regardless of whether or not I participate officially.

  5. Right now I’m halfway through a 500 page book — The Complete Guide to Digital Photography, so may not have time to add more books to my list — but I would love to know which books people feel are important to read. Also on my nightstand — The Daybooks of Edward Weston and The Print by Ansel Adams. Today, an artist friend recommended The Glass Castle.

  6. Right now I’m halfway through a 500 page book — The Complete Guide to Digital Photography, so may not have time to add more books to my list — but I would love to know which books people feel are important to read. Also on my nightstand — The Daybooks of Edward Weston and The Print by Ansel Adams. Today, an artist friend recommended The Glass Castle.

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