New to Art Biz Coach and Art Biz Blog?

The Art Biz Blog is the blog for Art Biz Coach, which offers services and products to help artists build profitable businesses.
One of my goals for Art Biz Coach over the next year or so is to simplify and streamline. I want to make it easy for new visitors to figure out where they should go on my sites.
This isn’t evident right now.
Like the reader who said this:

Since you’ve written so much over the past few years, I found it a bit overwhelming to figure out where to begin with your archives. Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.

Past few years? Try content since 2002. As of this writing in 2014, there are 2400 posts here and plenty more to think about at
I get how overwhelming it can be. Let me see if I can help direct you.
This is what I suggest :

1. Get to know me.

You shouldn’t buy any of my products or services until you have learned to trust me and grown to believe that what I offer can be valuable to you.

Click on image to sign up for my 6-part video series to help you build your art business.

Sign up for my 6-part complimentary video series and weekly Art Biz Insider newsletter. I think you’ll have a pretty good idea as to whether you and I are a good fit after you’ve watched the series and read a number of my newsletters. You can sign up at the top of the right sidebar on this very page → ↑.

2. Decide what you need.

Some people need information. They just want to know how to do this or that. You can soak up the information in the blog posts here (see Categories in the right sidebar) and also in my book, I’d Rather Be in the Studio.
But for some, like me, reading isn’t enough. They are more likely to absorb and implement lessons in a more structured learning environment. That’s why I teach online programs.
The key to your progress is to understand when to stop gathering information [ tweet this ]- that you have everything you need and it’s time to focus on implementation.
Then you might become like my members who seek support implementing the information. This might be you if you kinda know what you should be doing, but you’re not doing it. It’s exactly why I created the Art Biz Incubator, a membership group with really cool artists.
And then there are those who have been learning and implementing, and need to be evaluating their results because they’re not getting what they would like. They are interested in looking at their businesses strategically over the long run. These are the artists in the upper levels of the Art Biz Incubator.

3. Ignore what you don’t need.

Bright Shiny Object Syndrome (BSOS) is real. We’re enamored with new ideas and tend to want to try them out immediately. 

The savvy artist-businessperson will recognize this tendency and curtail it. The savvy artist-businessperson will say, “This is a great idea, but I’m not there yet.” Or, “This is a great idea, but I need to focus on this other thing first.” Or, “This is a great idea – for someone else.”
I give you permission to ignore anything I write if it distracts from your focus.
You must trust that the great ideas – the ones that were intended for you – will always be there when you’re ready to embrace them.

4. Pace yourself.

As I admitted, the amount of information and resources here is overwhelming.
There is no earthly way that you can “catch up” with everything here. You have to honor where you are right now.
If it’s information you need, set up a study schedule. Click on the Categories in the right sidebar and prioritize them based on your current situation.

5. Trust yourself.

There is no single path to becoming a successful artist. You must find your own way.
If something you read from me or anyone else doesn’t feel right, don’t do it. Trust that you know best.
You’re the CEO of your art business.

Make sure your photo shows up next to your posts on this site and many others by getting a globally recognized avatar at
Make sure your photo shows up next to your posts on this site and many others by getting a globally recognized avatar at

6. Join the discussion.

Leave comments and read comments from others. There are troops of wise artists who visit and share their knowledge.
You can also ask related questions in the comments that I read and respond to as much as I can. Oh! And don’t forget to sign up at Gravatar so your picture shows up next to your comments on my blog and any other blog on the WordPress platform.
Feel free to ask any questions about Art Biz Coach and this blog in a comment below.

Thank you for being here!


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  • Craft a policy for donating your art and stick to it.
  • Set limits on your donations.
  • Follow real-life examples.

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1 thought on “New to Art Biz Coach and Art Biz Blog?”

  1. Thank you! For all your sharing of knowledge. I’m ready to grow a business. I’ve been fighting with myself because I’m not sure how? My plan is to help out our finances and relieve some pressure from my Retired Accountant husband. I can do this!!

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