Productivity CD available / Estes Park workshop update

Road to Peak Productivity CD Available

Last week’s smash teleseminar is now available on CD. I fielded lots of fan mail from teleseminar participants who raved over what they learned from Leslie Shreve, my guest. Leslie demonstrated how to create systems to better manage your task lists.

Get the details. (no longer available)

Estes Park Workshop Update

(Event has passed.)

It was a gorgeous spring-like day in Colorado last Saturday when I got in my Mini and drove to Estes Park to check out the site for the May 2-3 workshop.

Two words: HOLY COW!

Here are some things I learned.

1. We’re adding $10 on to the price of the workshop so I can bring in a catered lunch on Saturday. The meal facilities are too far away from the workshop site to let you leave at the lunch hour. With all of the natural beauty around, I’m afraid you wouldn’t return!

Sunday’s session dismisses at noon, so a catered lunch isn’t necessary on that day.

2. You might want to arrive a day early and enjoy some peaceful time alone in the mountains. Or, do some gallery-hopping and museum-ing in Denver. I’ll be able to point you in the right directions.

3. I need to set up a users’ group for participants–especially those of you who are coming from far away. I’ll be doing that soon in case you want to carpool from the airport or share lodging.

4. I understand that there is an airport shuttle that goes straight to the Y.

5. The YMCA of the Rockies is HUGE! More than 300 acres! I had no idea. Facilities out the wazoo. And the views! Wow! But there are so many choices for lodging that it’s kind of confusing. I get the feeling that the facilities are all very similar, but you either have to drive everywhere or wear comfortable hiking (walking) shoes. The roads are dirt/gravel in a lot of places.

6. Still looking for a place for a Friday-night kickoff reception/party. May have to be in my cabin.

Bottom line: We’re gonna have fun!

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