Get This
How to Respond to Donation Requests gives you a process for crafting a donation policy along with exact wording from other artists.
8-page special report FREE with opt-in.
You’ll also receive my almost-weekly news for your art business.
You are committed to your work and your life as an artist.
You show up in the studio and are dedicated to the evolution of your work.
This is a must for working with me in any capacity because, as I often say, without the art you are not an artist. Without the art, there is no art business or career.
You know that the artist’s life is a journey that unfolds as you take one step at a time. Patience is required, and you know better than to look for a magic potion that is infused with all of the answers. But, hey, if you stumble across that magic potion, take a swig. You know. Just in case.
You accept 100% responsibility for your growth as an artist.
You don’t have time for making excuses.
Let’s make sure we’re a good fit. I suggest your first steps are to read about me*. Maybe read a few blog posts or listen to a couple of podcast episodes.
If it sounds like we could work well together, consider these 3 options.
You already have your business foundation in place and feel like you need something besides structured business lessons.
You’d like trusted people to help generate ideas, ask questions of, and hold you accountable.
You know that you always learn something when you are around other intentional artists.
Get extra support from me during my monthly office hours and Salon discussion group in the Art Biz Accelerator.
Most Popular Starting Point
You are building or rebuilding a business or career foundation.
There is an aspect of your business you feel could use some more work. Perhaps: improving your marketing material, expanding online content, growing your list, or finding more opportunities.
You don’t know where to begin.
You have a studio practice, but feel like you never have enough time with your art.
You’re tired of trying to figure it out by yourself, and understand that you can improve results dramatically by being in community with other artists.
Most Popular Starting Point
You are dedicated to the work in the studio and are producing consistent work.
You have a good business foundation in place.
You feel like you have moved beyond the need to take business classes.
You’d like a partner to strategize with—to brainstorm, discuss ideas, and help with decisions.
You are ready to invest significantly in your art business.
You are looking for other artists to connect with.
You need people to bounce ideas off of, commiserate with, or be inspired by.
You might need others to hold you accountable for the goals you have set for yourself.
You recognize the value of being in a structured community with trusted leadership rather than being part of a free-for-all.
Let’s respect one another’s time and boundaries and get to the point. We are not a good fit if you are …
Sent every week or two. Includes new articles, available programs, and episodes of The Art Biz podcast.
How to Respond to Donation Requests gives you a process for crafting a donation policy along with exact wording from other artists.
8-page special report FREE with opt-in.
You’ll also receive my almost-weekly news for your art business.