Twitter Tweekly via @abstanfield

RT @sandieconry a year of organizing checklists
An artist organizes her space and prepares for good times ahead: via @bettymliu
12 artworld habits to ditch in 2012 I agree: You don’t need a book for your art career. via @CoagulaMagazine
.@wtek challenges all #artists to make a bowl on Super Bowl Sunday – 2/5. Accept?
Twitter BirdDebate: Should an Artist Create all of Their Own Work? via @JasonHorejs
Have you updated the © date on your sites yet?
Get your postcards & letters out now! Postage rates go up 1.22.12
Love your New Year video @RDanielFoster You do beautiful work!
Important 2012 Tax Dates to Add to Your Calendar Right Now via @Meylah
Waiting for the Muse: 4 Tips for Procrastinating Artists via @lorimcneeartist
Shaun White Guide to a Gold-Medal Art Career
How to use i.e. and e.g. correctly
Loved this @art21 part 2 intvw w/ Eames expert Now to go back and read pt 1
Failing to plan is planning to fail. —Alan Lakein We’re planning all month in the Artist Conspiracy
Anxiety is caused by a lack of control, organization, preparation, and action. —David Kekich
Required art reading via @hyperallergic
Coming up later in January in the Artist Conspiracy, @markmcguinness talks about planning. We’re fortunate indeed!
Why artist decides not to sue Starbucks via @hyperallergic
RT @artnetdotcom: Peter Schjeldahl New Yorker “year in art”
You don’t need a new plan for next year. You need a commitment. via @ThisIsSethsBlog Brilliant!
Margret Short’s artist online media room
RT @JulieMorgenstrn: It’s easier to do tasks you dislike when you understand how they fit with your higher life goals. <Yes!
One of the best resources for artists is Professional Guidelines fr @HarrieteE <Bookmark it!
How to enable FB new timeline
RT @red_lemonade “Learn it all, and throw it out.” Helen Frankenthaler

Follow @abstanfield on Twitter for the quickest news for your art business.

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