Twitter Tweekly for February 10 2013

Here are some of my top tweets from the past few weeks. I’ve starred the ones I think are must reads for you.

Art Tweets

10 Ways to Make Your Art Business Stand Out via @ArtsyShark
Dot Dash 3 Lets Artists Build Virtual Galleries to Sell Real Art (and GIFs Too) via @artinfo
*How Uptown Money Kills Downtown Art Good stuff here
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Artist rants against giving away art for free in this video. Amen!
*If you thought Wall St was shady, read about the art market dealings via @nytimesarts
10 Former Art Sensations That the Market Has Left Behind via @artinfo
How to Deal with Crushing Feedback on Your Creative Work via @markmcguinness
Top tips for artists in 2013 from 9 others and moi via @adamleipzig

Biz Tweets

Passion and excitement will take you places that talent and a good strategy may not. via @GeoffTalbott
*When sending a cold email, always establish familiarity. “I’m a member of” or “I heard about you through . . . ”
A Well-Crafted Letter Still Gets the Job Done via @HarvardBiz
An email with a single call to action will yield the best results
Why innovators love constraints via @HarvardBiz MT @collageartist
*How to Get Your Email Answered via @chrisbrogan
*Time to step up? via @soniasimone…
Protecting Your Privacy on the New Facebook via @nytimes
What you need to know about new Pinterest business accounts (and how to get one):…

Fun Tweet

Am loving the iTunes radio called Drone Zone from SomaFM – under Ambient. Perfect background noise sans ads so far!

Follow @abstanfield on Twitter for the most timely news for your art business.


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