Twitter Tweekly from @abstanfield

Slightly-edited items you might have missed if you hadn’t been paying attention at the right time.
“Art is not in the eye of the beholder. It’s in the soul of the artist.” @ThisIsSethsBlog
Right-Brainers in Business Video Summit from @artizencoaching starts Feb 28 FREE!
Twitter BirdHave you worked on or completed your taxes? Sure feels nice to get them out of the way.
All hail the briefest email messages!
Seth’s Blog: Make big plans <What I’m working on right now. What you should be working on.
.@ovac Use your name for your art biz
RT @originalimpulse: Love Letter to the Geeks <Grateful for their generosity! (fun post!)
What the world needs: A few excellent copywriters who know the art biz and can help artists with their marketing materials. Anyone? (leave a comment below or email me)
Bloch Building @nelson_atkins named 1 of 12 most beautiful buildings in the world. I agree! It’s stunning.
Whoa. Cool. Looks like you can now leave comments as your biz on FB.
Pre-sale of new edition of my book has begun. 1 month free membership to Artist Conspiracy

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1 thought on “Twitter Tweekly from @abstanfield”

  1. I guess you can only leave comments on FB as your biz if you also have a personal profile. I only have a biz page and am still not able to comment. Maybe that change is coming – at least I hope.

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