Artist Website Special–Only Thru October 8

If your website is a fright (or non-existent), listen up.  I have a deal for you. But first, a quick story.
Pat Velte of Whitewing Design is the genius behind so much of the fancy stuff that goes into my websites.
We talk techy-geeky stuff a lot. And I’ve sent her a lot of artist-clients in the past.
Just check out her website to see the artists she’s worked with.
I’m often complaining to Pat about artists doing this or that poorly on their websites. Among my gripes that Pat is tired of hearing about are:
Artist Website Special

    Bad photos
    Flash sites
    Wonky menus that make no sense at all
    Too much on a menu
    Not enough text
    No credit lines
    Color choices that compete with the art

Don’t even get me started on all of the sites where I can’t find an artist’s name or contact information!
You get the picture. I could go on and on.
Bottom line: I decided to stop complaining and enlisted Pat to help clean up the messes.
We could make the world a better place if I could help put Pat in charge of 25 more artists’ sites!

here’s the deal

7 custom pages designed to show off your art
Up to 60 images of your artwork + 1 thumbnail of each
1 matching WordPress blog + WordPress QuickStart Guide (PDF file)
Up to 8 Menu items
Upgrades available as described below
Get all of the above—customized for your needs—for just $750. But only thru October 8.

first come, first served

Heard enough?  Set up a initial call right now by emailing Pat. This doesn’t commit you to anything. It just opens the conversation.
Wanna know more details? Get the whole scoop.
Pat and I are partners. I make a percentage of each sale. But . . . I can’t think of anyone I’d rather do business with or anyone I would trust more completely with your Web presence.

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  • Craft a policy for donating your art and stick to it.
  • Set limits on your donations.
  • Follow real-life examples.

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1 thought on “Artist Website Special–Only Thru October 8”

  1. Hi Alyson,
    Since there is no one I respect more than you when it comes to advice to
    artists, I responded immediately. We’ll see if I get into the line up of the chosen few lucky ones.
    You are great!

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